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What is Hamzah up to?


The Straits Times Interactive
JUNE 13, 2002

By Derwin Pereira

JAKARTA - It comes as no surprise that Vice-President Hamzah Haz is planning to take a month off soon to kick-start his bid for the presidency in 2004.

The economy continues to be in a rut, bomb explosions are rocking Indonesia once again, and the forests in Kalimantan are burning. These problems are the last thing on the mind of Indonesia's No 2 whose growing political ambitions supersede national interests.

Such misplaced priorities are widening the rifts in government - and worsening his ties with President Megawati Sukarnoputri - and does little to inspire confidence in a country still bereft of strong leadership four long years after Mr Suharto's fall.

Mr Hamzah has emerged over the last 10 months as a controversial figure with a penchant for deliberately breaking the government line. Initially, observers brushed aside his gimmicks as an insignificant display of opportunistic politicking.

But these days, one cannot analyse his actions without taking into account his ballooning presidential ambitions, splits within his Muslim-based United Development Party (PPP) and rivalry with Ms Megawati.

On at least three occasions, Mr Hamzah has been made embarrassingly subordinate to the decisions of a President backed by the powerful military, making him see the value of cultivating the Muslim ground to shore up his power base:

His reco- mmendations for the economy - outlined in an action plan earlier this year - were promptly rejected by Ms Megawati.

  • The Vice- President's choice of Mr Samudra Sukardi, the elder brother of Cabinet minister Laksamana Sukardi and a PPP cadre, to head the national flag carrier Garuda, was passed over.
  • Despite his opposition, the Cabinet went ahead with the decision to arrest Laskar Jihad leader Jafaar Umar Thalib for allegedly inciting violence in the Maluku islands and threatening to kill the President. Mr Hamzah's response was swift. He visited Jafaar in jail to show 'Muslim solidarity'.

His main aim is to attack the President.

And this has been borne out further in recent weeks with his open courtship of other Muslim radicals like Abu Bakar Bashir and declaration that he would make a presidential bid in 2004.

He is seeking to alienate Ms Megawati, who is starting to make too many political enemies. But it is a costly game that Indonesia can do without.

As a seasoned politician and someone tasked with assisting the President, he should show better judgment by putting national interests first before engaging in theatrics that is laced heavily with personal interests.





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