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High alert as Ambon rebel held

The Australian
May 6, 2002

From Don Greenlees in Jakarta

TROOPS and police on the eastern Indonesian island of Ambon are bracing for further sectarian violence after police arrested the leader of the country's most notorious Islamic extremist group, blamed for inciting the resurgence of unrest.

The arrest of Jaffar Umar Thalib, leader of the Laskar Jihad militia, coincided with renewed violence in Ambon city, the capital of Maluku province. Residents claimed mortar shells were fired into a Christian quarter on Saturday, leaving two people dead and a large number wounded.

Hundreds of residents have fled neighbourhoods on the border between Christian and Muslim enclaves, sheltering in government buildings or in hills behind the seaside city.

After news of Mr Thalib's arrest broke, a large mob of his supporters formed and began moving on Christian areas. Police and troops managed to break up the protest by firing tear gas and warning shots.

Soldiers based in Ambon city yesterday told The Australian the situation was under control, but forces were on high alert.

The latest violence follows an April 28 attack on a Christian village on Ambon that killed 12 people -- the worst incident since the signing of a peace accord three months ago.

Two days before the attack, Thalib issued a call to arms during an address to a crowd at the Al-Fatah mosque in Ambon city. A recording of the sermon is being used by the national police to justify the criminal charge of inciting violence.

Although the arrest has sent a welcome sign of Jakarta's determination to defend the peace accord, there are concerns it could rouse militant elements in a conflict that has by some estimates claimed 6000 lives.

The Laskar Jihad, a militia formed on Java and sent to Maluku in 2000 to assist local Muslims in the conflict with Christians, has up to 500 members left in the islands, although at its peak its membership numbered several thousand fighters.

The decision to arrest Mr Thalib has come as a surprise because of the central Government's earlier timidity in confronting extremists. Some diplomats and analysts in Jakarta have alleged the Laskar Jihad was entirely the creation of certain senior elements of the military.

They say Jakarta has also been fearful of cracking down on such organisations without strong proof because of the risk of provoking a wider backlash among the mostly moderate Indonesian Muslims.

But Mr Thalib appeared to have crossed the line in a colourful speech on April 26 in which he appealed to Muslims to "get your horses ready to launch a universal war against your enemies".

According to a translation, Mr Thalib told his cheering audience to "discard any riches in order to make grenades".

What may have prompted authorities to act was a statement by Mr Thalib that he wanted to kill President Megawati Sukarnoputri and all the other relatives of her father, Indonesia's founding president Sukarno.

Mr Thalib was arrested by police in the East Java capital, Surabaya, after returning from Ambon. He was then flown to national police headquarters in Jakarta. In initial police questioning, he denied the voice in the tape recording was his.

But police spokesman Brigadier Saleh Saaf told a press conference Mr Thalib had broken the law by "preaching and insulting the Government" and by making statements that "provoked Muslims and asked them to prepare bombs".





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