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There will be no martial law in Maluku: VP

The Jakarta Post
May 7, 2002

JAKARTA (JP): Vice President Hamzah Haz reiterated on Tuesday that the government will not impose martial law in strife-torn Maluku province, as long as the situation in Ambon remains relatively under control, reports said.

Hamzah revealed the stance during a meeting with legislators from Maluku province at Merdeka Selatan vice presidential palace in Central Jakarta.

The Maluku legislators conveyed their official rejection to the planned military state of emergency in the province, and asked the government to review and strengthen the Maluku civil emergency administrator.

"We want the government to fully support efforts to uphold law and order, and to take firm action against perpetrators of violence," chairman of Maluku provincial council Zeth Sahuburua said.

Hamzah, however, said the government would be very careful when making decisions on Maluku. "A state of emergency will not be imposed, as long as the security situation in the area remains under control," he said.

The legislators also asked for an independent team to investigate a series of bloody incidents in Maluku, including the latest violent incident in the village of Soyu last week, which claimed at least 13 lives and injured dozens of others.

Under martial law, authority would rest with the military, which would be allowed to arrest people for up to 70 days if necessary.

Indonesian law requires that such an emergency be declared by the president in consultation with the House of Representatives (DPR).

In February, the government brokered a peace pact between representatives of Maluku's warring Muslim and Christian camps in an effort to end over three years of sectarian violence which has already killed more than 9,000 people in Maluku and North Malukuand displaced over half a million people. (edt)





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