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Ambon quiet after bloody clash in Saparua


The Jakarta Post
May 9, 2002

JAKARTA (JP): Ambon was quiet on the commemoration of the Day of Ascension of Jesus Christ on Thursday, after a bloody clash erupted on Saparua island in Central Maluku a day earlier.

People in Ambon went about their activities as usual and traffic was normal, as Christians attended Mass and other religious ceremonies at churches, according to Antara.

The city, however, was not as hectic as usual, possibly the result of Wednesday's clash which reportedly left three people dead and 12 wounded.

Ambon is closely linked with Saparua because a good many of the city's residents hail from the island.

Though the situation was calm, the city's Muslim and Christian populations were on the alert in their respective areas of the city, with barricades being seen on a number of major streets, including the street running in front of the governor's office.

Police officers were posted throughout the city.

Maluku Police chief Brig. Gen. Soenarko said on Thursday he had deployed officers to Saparua island to help maintain security in the area.

Soenarko reiterated that the clash between residents of the villages of Porto and Haria on Saparua island was in no way sparked by religious conflict.

He also said that four people wounded in the clash would be transported to Ambon for medical care because there were no doctors at the Saparua hospital.

Maluku has been wracked by several years of religious conflicts, leaving thousands of people dead. (hhr)




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