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Army Chief Of Staff Endriartono:
Commander Security Recovery Operational Unit Adheres To PDS


Kompas Online
Tuesday, 28-5-2002

Pontianak, Kompas Online

Army Chief Of Staff, General Endriartono Sutarto emphasizes, the Commander Security Recovery Operational Command in Moluccas has to adhere to the Authority Civil Emergency State, i.e. Governor Saleh Latuconsina. The same applies to TNI, during security operations they also adhere to the authority of civil emergency state.

The Governor of Moluccas, also the Authority Civil Emergency State has full authority to deal with several security issues in his district. He is assisted in this task by TNI and the police," the Chief of Staff said on arrival at Supadio Airport, Pontianak, Monday (27/5). He added, that the operational unit's setup is to enhance the security recovery efforts into a more effective operation. The Chief of Staff was in West kalimantan to open the Joint Excercizes of Kekar Malindo 2002 which combines TNI forces with the Tentara Diraja of Malaysia. The 28th Kekar Malindo will be held in Singkawang starting this Tuesday.

It is not certain who will be filling the post of the Security Operational Unit's Commander, but the name of Division II Kostrad Commander, Major General Djoko Santoso (not Djoko Susilo as mentioned by Kompas yesterday) is widely mentioned as the head of the operational unit.


Meanwhile, the House's Commission I member of the Awakening Nation's faction, Chatibul Uman Wiranu holds the opinion that a commando unit's effectiveness is not determined by the Commander of the Security Operational Unit in Moluccas. It is determined by the Authority Civil Emergency State's effectiveness itself. Therefore, debates about the commando should be centered at the Authority Civil Emergency State itself.

"However, since the process towards a replacement of the Moluccas Authority Civil Emergency State would depend on the district's Parliament, but, no signs seem to be moving into that direction, I understand that central government is offering a solution by dispatching a two-star general to the area," Chatibul commented on the appointment of the Commander of the Security Recovery Operational Unit for Moluccas, a major general, Monday in Jakarta.

According to him, at least two problems will surface when the Moluccas Province has a Security Operational Unit. First, is the Authority Civil Emergency State politically and operationally prepared for overseeing this unit. Second, is the Moluccas Civil Emergency State ready to follow the strategies outlined by the Commander of the Security Recovery Operational Command.

"This should develop some tension in the Moluccas Civil Emergency State since it was unable to coordinate TNI and the Police. As to instructions in the field, the Moluccas Civil Emergency State should be ready for decisions taken by the Commander of the Security Operational Command. A psychological problem will raise its head since it encompasses authority<" he said.

Chatibul said that Commission I made queries to the TNI Chief Commander about the appointment of a two-star general to head the Security Recovery Operational Commando in the area.

In the meantime, Commission I member of the Reformation faction, Djoko Susilo, is of the opinion that the appointment of a two-star general in command of the security commando in Moluccas seems to be connected with a coordination problem with which the civil emergency state appears to be grappling. The problem is far more basic covering several aspects related to social, economy, religion and justice.

" We in the House of Representatives should be more sceptical, will this development improve or worsen our condition. Yesterday, when everything seemed to suggest that a conducive time has arrived, this condition suddenly changed overnight. Our planners should not focus on the military aspects of the action without observing the problem in Ambon which is linked to other issues," said Djoko Susilo in Parliament.

Djoko fears that the condition in Moluccas will deteriorate even more with the appointment of a two-star general which indicates a larger and massive concentration of troops. "I, therefore, hope that the TNI Chief Commander will instruct the Commander of the Security Recovery Operational Commando to give an explanation to Commission I of the House," said the Youth Chairman of Muhammadiyah. No military emergency state Vice President Hamzah Haz stressed that a structural change in the Civil Emergency State does not move at all towards a state of military emergency. Restructuring is done to enhance the mechanism in a condition of Civil Emergency which so far, had been far from being effective.

"Take yesterday, that was the Civil Emergency in operation, it was not effective, was it? Then we were asked to make an evaluation. Now, a new policy has been made up that is still related with the Civil Emergency state," Hamzah told reporters after a national dialogue about saving the wood industry and Indonesian forests at Hotel Sahid Jakarta on Monday.

Restructuring will not change the Civil Emergency State in Moluccas, according to Hamzah. "There is no military emergency state at hand. The Civil Emergency State is getting support," he said.

Meanwhile, TNI Commander Central Military Police, Major General Sulaiman AS, arrived Monday noon in the city of Ambon. According to Sulaiman who was with the Commander Military Police Military District XVI Pattimura, Lt. Colonel Iran Saefuddin, his visit is related to collecting straight information from the Military Police Military District XVI Pattimura Command since they know the area and mapping conditions of the Moluccas. He further said that there was no special agenda in relation to the visit this time.

From the agenda Sulaiman was scheduled to meet Governor M. Saleh Latuconsina, the Commander Military District XVI Pattimura Brigadier General Mustopo, and the Head District Police, Brigadier General Soenarko DA and a visit to the Military Police Quarters. Other than that, Sulaiman was slated for a visit to the former barracks of the Mobile Brigade in Tantui. (*)




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