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Save Our Selves

SOS Letter to UN from Churches in the Moluccas Islands



Secretary Office. Imam Bonjol No. 8, Ambon‑97127, Phone. 354079


Ambon, April.29.2002

Re. Save Our Selves

To His Excellency
Mr. Koffi Annand
The General Secretary of the United Nation

Dear Sir,

This is an SOS call from us, the Churches in the Moluccas Islands. There have been series of fresh attack again directed towards the Christians in the Moluccas. The previously condition was a little better after a peace agreement was signed by representatives from Christian and Moslem communities and by the Central and local Government. But now under the pretext of fighting the RMS separatists, which actually a very small group of people, who do not even have weapons, the innocent Christians are under constant attack again. The condition is becoming worse because the local government is seriously unwilling and unable to settle their authority to handle the provocation of both the FKM Group (who uses the RMS symbols and raised the RMS flag since the 25'l' of April until now ) and the Jihad warriors (Moslem warriors ). From the outsten, the Churches in the Mollucas are not committed on both these political and ideological ideas of both of them. Yet, The Mollucan Agreement in Malino is not implemented in a consistent and responsible way by the Government. On the 3d April a high explosive bomb exploded on the Christian side of town, killing 7 people and wounded 56 people. After that 2 people were found dead also without knowing who killed them. Subsequently, on the 25 and 28 of April the unfinished reconstructed building the Silo Church was burned with no reaction from the security forces, which where on guard around the place, the Silo church building was burned down in 1999 and erected again. A mortar was also fired to the Christian suburb of Karang Panjang the city of Ambon, and heavily wounded 2 women. At the down of Sunday morning a Christian traditionally village, called Soya, on top of the hill on the southern park of Ambon island, was attacked killing at least 12 people, including a 3 year's old child, a 7 month's baby,_ and several women, it has also left 9 people wounded. A some of 26 houses and a historical old church building were also burned down. This village has so far been used by the government for the IDP's from Ambon and some of these victims are among the dead ones.

We have to call on you, for there have been various attempts done internally and nationally but to no avail. The armed forces and the police could not do much. Last Friday, they were belittled by the head commander in Chief, Mr Jafar Umar Talib, in ftont of thousands of Moslems in a rally, which took place at the Alfatah Mosque, with no reaction from their side. So far, the terrorism that have caused many lives among the innocent and ordinary people has not been handled properly by the armed forces and police. So far, we cannot expect any security from them.

Therefore, we do urge the United Nations on behalf of the civilized families of nations to do something, by means of assisting our government to stop any further massacre in order to strengthen the Universal Principals of Human Rights as acknowledged by the Second Amendment of the Indonesian Constitution, and in turn to combat against terrorism in our beloved country. The United Nations is our only hope now. Please save us from this trial.




1. President of Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta.
2. President of U.S.A. in Washington D.C.
3. British Prime Minister in London.
4. The Governments of European Union Community.
5. His Holiness the Pope in Rome.
6. World Council of Churches in Geneva.
7. The Communion of Churches in Indonesia.
8. The Communion of Pentacostal Churches in Indonesia.
9. Conference of Bishops in Indonesia.
10. Baptist World Alliance in U.S.A.
11. The International Head Quarter of The Salvation Army in London.
12. World Alliance Reformed Churches in Geneva.
13. The Salvation Army Church in the U.S.A.

Download SOS Letter to UN
(Microsoft Word format)



Received Via Masariku Network Jakarta.

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