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Indonesia Islamic Militants Give Up Some Weapons


Tehran Times.com News
May 20, 2002

AMBON, Indonesia -- Indonesian militant Muslim group Laskar Lihad handed over hundreds of weapons ranging from rifles to homemade bombs to the military in the strife-torn Moluccas on Sunday.

But the group said those were only a small part of its supplies and before giving up additional arms it would like to see authorities take more action against a radical Christian faction in the area a

"We may hand over all the weapons we have if the TNI (military) and the police show their seriousness in guaranteeing the security of people in the Moluccas, especially the Muslims," Laskar Jihad loca

Attamimi said in a ceremony in the Moluccas capital of Ambon, 2,300 km (1,440 miles) east of Jakarta, Reuters reported.

"But this (handover) could be the first and the last if the authorities fail to fulfil our hopes," he added.

A cannon, dozens of automatic rifles, magazines, swords, knives, ammunition and 350 homemade bombs were surrendered to the Pattimura military command in a ceremony at a mosque.

Attamimi said the decision to give up some weapons was taken because the group has seen a serious effort from the authorities to disband a radical Christian faction, the Moluccas sovereignty forum, an

Java-based Laskar Jihad became the face of militant Islam in the world's most populous Muslim nation after sending thousands of men in mid-2000 to fight Christians in the once-idyllic Moluccan islands

More than 5,000 people have been killed in Muslim-Christian conflicts in the islands which first erupted in 1999.

The government has said getting rid of both Laskar Jihad and the Moluccas sovereignty forum would be an important step in stopping religious clashes in the area.

Laskar Jihad is among those opposing a peace truce signed in February by representatives of Muslims and Christians.

Pattimura Military Commander Brigadier General Mustopo promised his troops would go all out to crack down on any separatist group in the islands.

He also said Laskar Jihad's move to give up weapons has nothing to do with the possible release of its Commander Jafar Umar Thalib, under arrest for allegedly inciting violence in Ambon last month tha

Witnesses said the situation was generally calm in Ambon on Sunday, and police were opening blockades in several areas.

More than 85 percent of Indonesia's 210 million people are Muslim, but Christians comprise half of the population in some eastern areas such as the Moluccas.





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