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Indonesia deploys more police to troubled Maluku


Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Friday April 26, 2002

Jakarta, Indonesia beefed up security in the Maluku islands on Friday after fresh explosions which rocked the conflict-torn archipelago, one day after pro-independence supporters commemorated their movement's 52th anniversary.

"We have deployed two more companies of Mobile Brigade (Brimob) police to Ambon this morning," to back up the existing personnel, national police chief General Da'i Bachtiar told reporters.

Bachtiar confirmed that "two more explosions" occurred this morning in the Karang Panjang suburb of Ambon, the provincial capital of Maluku, formerly known as the Moluccas.

The blasts caused no injuries, Bachtiar said.

Maluku's military commander Brigadier General Mustopo said 23 people had been arrested on Thursday for hoisting South Maluku Republic (RMS) flags and as many as 200 separatist flags were seized.

"Stern action will be taken against anyone else caught hoisting RMS flags as happened on Thursday," Antara quoted Mustopo as saying.

At least six people were injured either from explosions or gunshot wounds on Thursday when hundreds of Moslems staged a rally to protest the separatists flag-flying. The protesters also set a church on fire.

Civil emergency authorities in the Maluku islands banned the hoisting of the RMS flag on Thursday, marking the separatist movement's 52nd anniversary.

The Maluku islands, known during the Dutch colonial period as the Spice Islands, have been wracked by clashes between Moslems and Christians for the past three years, forcing the government to place the province under civil emergency status in early 2000.

More than 5,000 people have died in sectarian fighting, thousands of others injured and an estimated 500,000 people left homeless by the unrest.

A government-sponsored peace agreement was signed in February by leaders of both camps in a bid to end the bloodshed, but has so far failed to prevent a series of deadly explosions in Ambon. dpa sh pj rk






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