The Wheather's Whrath
Wind, Rain, and bittercold aflicted the LAWA season immensly.  Rain storms seemed to strike every other day of the season leaving teams scrambling to schedule games, play indoors, or in some cases braving the elements.  Once the playoffs came the weather took a new turn.  For both the East Side, and West Side playoffs a hard wind drove the ball all over the field.  In both cases the team that adjusted better won the game.  Then came the championship game.  All week the hype had been building for this epic battle between Team Bush and Team Josh Murphy.  An attendence goal of 100 people had been set for the Friday afternoon game, but when the players and fans stepped outside they were greeted with tempatures in the low 20's and a cold wind that gusted as high as 60 miles per hour.  Team Bush with hats and warm gear ready took advantage of the poor conditions, while Team Josh Murphy froze.  A burst of energy came following some Schreps hot chocolate but, soon that faded and Team Josh Murphy blew away in the Wind. 
The Whiffle Wind Championship of '03 saw the coldest temps of the season.  Team Bush responded in a way that would make Lombardi proud, beating the elements, and the opposition.
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