1869 CNW Census # 2751 thru 3000 ( Includes Whites, NA and AA)
District    ID.    Name1    Name2    Women    Male Children    Female Children    Category    Notes

De  588     Lucinda     4       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  589     Son-o-ve-ster   1   3   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  590     Chi-poo-she 1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  591 Thomas  Washington  1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  592 Judge   Hood    1   1   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  593 Nancy   Washington      3   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  594 John    Sixcoxie    1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  595 William Sixcoxie    1   2       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  596     Oo-wah-le-ner   1   3   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  597 Marshall    Bell    1   2   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  598 Elizabeth   Half-Moon       1   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  599 Edgar   Half-Moon   1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  600 Mary    Wilson      2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  601 John    Gibson  1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  602 Jack    Wheeler 1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  603 Joseph  Thompson    1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  604 James   Thompson    1   2       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  605     Puck-wah        3   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  606     Goo-he-ti-se    1   1   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  607 Susan   Beaver      1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  608 John    Win-billow  1   4   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  609     Leach   1   2       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  610 Andrew  Miller  1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  611 Tilly   Cup-wie 1   1   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  612 Betsy   Queen       1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  613 Josiah  Henson  1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  614 Dutch   White-Turkey    1   4   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  615 Jack    White-Turkey        1   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  616 Little  Swan    1       2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  617 John    Swan    1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  618 Polly   Ketchum     2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  619 Top-pat-tah Joah-wee-hy 1       2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  620 J   Borax       2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  621 General Jackson 1   3       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  622 Arthur  Armstrong   1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  623 John    Hallock 1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  624     Tup-pe-sick-o   1   2       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  625 Big John    1   3   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  626     Ar-see-nee  1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  627     Sut-cul-lah-nah 1   2   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  628     Qua-ne-show 1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  629 Elk Hare                Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  630 Perry   Boy 1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  631     Pet-se-pough-ke-se      1   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  632 Frank   Thomas  1   4   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  633 William Wilson  1   1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  634 Lucy    Johnny-Cake     1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  635 Mary    Ingram      1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  636     Sea-que-noh     1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  637     Tot-scio   1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  638 One-eyed    Wilson  1       2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  639 John    Young   1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  640     Sah-ka-tie  1   1   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  641 Ice Wilson  1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  642     Curley-Head     1   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  643 Thomas  Wilson  1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  644     Willis  1   1   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  645 Big Field   1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  646 Joshua  Willson 1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  647     Oh-yea  1   1   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  648 Yellow  Leaf    1   3   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  649 Mice    Jacobs      2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  650 Silas   Miller  1   1   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  651 Betsy   Long-Bow        2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  652 Wilson  Sir-coxey   1   3   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  653 John    Peter   1   1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  654 Nancy   Kitcher         2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  655 Little  Bird    1   3   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  656 John    Hill    1   3   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  657 Westly  Stack   1   3   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  658 Eliza   Conner      3   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  659 Elizabeth   Burk        2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  660 George  Panson  1   3   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  661 Cynthia Young       1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  662 James   White   1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  663 Titus   Wilson  1       2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  664 Mary    Hill        1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  665 Zachory New-come    1       1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  666 Polly   New-come        2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  667 W   Thompson            3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  668 Benjamin    Right   1       1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  669 William Ketcher 1   1   4   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  670     Nigh-ne-we-aught-qua    1   1   1   Delaware Citizens of the
Cherokee Nation
De  671 Jane    McCulloch       3   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  672 Horace  Wilson  1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  673 James   Wilson  1   3   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  674 Alex    Conner  1       1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  675 David   Thomas  1       1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  676 Little  Buffalo 1   4   4   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  677 Solomon Love    1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  678 Old Bill    1       1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  679 Will H  Sheeler 1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  680 T   Harrison    1   2       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  681     Licon               Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  682 Capt Falling    Leaf    1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  683 Sun-ne-cah-qua  Full-leaf   2       1   Delaware Citizens of the
Cherokee Nation
De  684 Jackson Simeo   1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  685     Tah-pee-can 1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  686 Benjamin    Johnny-cake 1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  687 Mary    Martin      1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  688 Mary    Martin      2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  689 John    Sarcoxie    1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  690     Mar-cun-che             Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  691 Eliza   Beansley    1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  692 Tom Hill    1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  693 Tom Sez-con-dee 1   2   5   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  694 Pu-lip-pean Snake   1   3   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  695 Eliza   Mix 1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  696 Joseph  Partridge   1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  697 John    Captain 1   1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  698 Samuel  Lucas   1   2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  699 John    Johnny-cake 1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  700 Mary    Allen           1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  701 C H Armstrong   1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  702 Matilda World       1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  703 Elizabeth   Romeo       1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  704 Maria   Partridge   1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  705 Thompson    Smith   1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  706 A J Tanner  1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  707 Sarah O Smith       2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  708 Nancy   Secon-drop      2   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  709 Joseph  Grisly  1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  710 Henry   Armstrong   1   2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  711 Jeff    Zane    1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  712 Andrew  Miller  1   4   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  713 Isaac   Johnny-cake 1   4   4   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  714 Eliza   Kinny       1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  715 Eliza   Ketcher     3   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  716 Jacob   Dit 1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  717 R I Johnny-cake 1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  718 Rachel  Anderson        2   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  719 Tuk-kee-long    Half-Moon   1   1   4   Delaware Citizens of the
Cherokee Nation
De  720 Charles Johnny-cake 1   1   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  721 James Big   John    1   1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  722 Big Nicholas    1   2   3   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  723 John    Thompson    1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  724 William Conner  1   1       Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  725     Fish    1           Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  726 James   Conner  1   3   2   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee Nation
De  727     Ah-tah-cah-pow-eigh-que 1           Delaware Citizens of the
Cherokee Nation
De  728 Bill    Half-Moon   1   1   1   Delaware Citizens of the Cherokee
De  729     Che-yo-hus-kie              Mexican Indians
De  730 David   Grayson             Mexican Indians
De  731 John    Fry 1   1   2   Mexican Indians
De  732 Charles Spoon   1   2   1   Mexican Indians
De  733 John    Starr   1   3   2   Mexican Indians
De  734 Joe Mexican 1   1       Mexican Indians
De  735 Joseph  John    1   4   3   Mexican Indians
De  736 Elizabeth   Fly     2       Mexican Indians
De  737 James   Befford 1       1   Mexican Indians
De  738 John    Tecumseh    1   3   2   Mexican Indians
De  739 Thomas  Bone    1           Mexican Indians
De  740 Rider   Bone    1   2   1   Mexican Indians
De  741 John    Fox 1           Mexican Indians
De  742 John    Grass   1   3   2   Mexican Indians
De  743 Mary    Diplo       1   3   Mexican Indians
De  744 Eliza   Tecumseh        2   1   Mexican Indians
De  745 Samuel  Bob 1   2   3   Mexican Indians
De  746 Lewis   Corteau 1   2   4   Mexican Indians
De  747     Jaw             Mexican Indians
De  748 Thomas  Roy 1   3       Mexican Indians
De  749 Mary    King-Pot        3   2   Mexican Indians
De  750     Tiblo   1       2   Mexican Indians
De  751 Eli Rodgers 1   3       Mexican Indians
De  752 Jesse   Big-Knife   1   2   3   Mexican Indians
De  753 Rovina  Rodgers     1       Mexican Indians
De  754 Red Carpenter   1   3   1   Mexican Indians
De  755 Joseph  Clay    1   1   2   Mexican Indians
De  756 David   Dun-ches-nee    1   3   2   Mexican Indians
De  757 Elizabeth   Long-Tail       2   3   Mexican Indians
De  758 George  Bob 1   1   2   Mexican Indians
De  759 Wilson  Carpenter   1   3   3   Mexican Indians
De  760 Samuel  Baptist 1   1   3   Mexican Indians
De  761 Eli Black-Hoop  1   2   1   Mexican Indians
De  762 Susan   Black-Hoop      1   3   Mexican Indians
De  763 Peter   Clark   1   3   3   Mexican Indians
De  764 Alonzo  Summers 1   3   2   Mexican Indians
De  765 Polly   McDoodle        1   2   Mexican Indians
De  766 Joe Beavers 1   1       Mexican Indians
De  767 Willie  Cephas              Colored persons not entitled to
De  768 Andy    Daniel  1   5   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  769 Loddy   Rodgers             Colored persons not entitled to
De  770 Aggie   Melton      3   6   Colored persons not entitled to
De  771 Lewis   Blunt   1   2       Colored persons not entitled to
De  772 William Love    1   3   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  773 Charles Campbell                Colored persons not entitled to
De  774 John    Haynes              Colored persons not entitled to
De  775 Nathan  Dufing  1   3   2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  776 Joe Ross    1   3   1   Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  777 Jacob   Ross    1   3   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  778 Tobias  Loony   1   3   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  779 Esan    Fox             Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  780 Johnson Whitmire    1   2   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  781 Andy    Daugherty               Colored persons not entitled to
De  782 David   Roe 1   2   3   Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  783 Abe Ward    1   3   1   Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  784 George  Adair   1   3       Colored persons not entitled to
De  785 Berry   Ward    1           Colored persons not entitled to
De  786 Sim Ward                Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  787 Lucy    Fox     1   1   Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  788 Amos    Adair   1   2       Colored persons not entitled to
De  789 Woodson Lowe    1   1       Colored persons not entitled to
De  790 Ben Alberty 1   1   3   Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  791 Pose    Gibson  1   1   2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  792 Stephen Little  1   4       Colored persons not entitled to
De  793 Nelson  Murrel  1   1   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  794 Fanny   Rodgers         1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  795 Peter   Ward    1   2   4   Colored persons not entitled to
De  796 Louisa  Webber          1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  797 Caesar  Mackey  1   5   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  798 Ben Thompson                Colored persons not entitled to
De  799 Wilson  Towers  1   2       Colored persons not entitled to
De  800 Daniel  Sanders 1   1   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  801 Jack    Thornton    1   3   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  802 Malard  Beck    1       2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  803 Rachel  Luskly      3   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  804 Emma    Whitmire            4   Colored persons not entitled to
De  805 David   Mayse   1   2   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  806 Milo    Whitmire                Colored persons not entitled to
De  807 Santa Anna  Nevins  1   2   2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  808 Johnson Webber      1       Colored persons not entitled to
De  809 Peter   Megs    1   3   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  810 Reuben  Sanders 1   1       Colored persons not entitled to
De  811 Mike    Sanders 1   2   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  812 Berry   Ward    1   2   3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  813 Allen   Hill    1   2       Colored persons not entitled to
De  814 William Foreman 1   3       Colored persons not entitled to
De  815 Peter   Hudson  1   3   2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  816 Henry   Mayse       1       Colored persons not entitled to
De  817 Hector  Ross    1   2   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  818 Calvin  Helderbrand 1   3   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  819 Major   Ridge   1       3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  820 Jerry   Thompson    1           Colored persons not entitled to
De  821 Moses   Rat 1   3   1   Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  822 Jack    Landrum 1   1   4   Colored persons not entitled to
De  823 John    Freeman 1   3   2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  824 Moses   Whitmire    1   2   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  825 Lewis   Right   1   2       Colored persons not entitled to
De  826 Nelson  Right   1   1       Colored persons not entitled to
De  827 Delilah Ratcliffe       1       Colored persons not entitled to
De  828 Samuel  Williams    1   3   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  829 Patsy   Markham     1   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  830 Lucinda Webber          3   Colored persons not entitled to
De  831 Daniel  Miller  1   1   1   Colored persons not entitled to
De  832 Joseph  Duck    1           Colored persons not entitled to
De  833 Eliza   Vann            2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  834 James   Carl    1   1   2   Colored persons not entitled to
De  835 William Tucker  1   2   4   Colored persons not entitled to
De  836     Stepney 1           Colored persons not entitled to Citizenship
De  837 Matilda Marshall                Colored persons not entitled to

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