The Crusades of Lawrence T. Scott


Tim Jumawid

The Lord sent Evangelist Lawrence Tyler Scott of Minnesota U.S.A. to work with the ministry here in the Philippines reaching the lost through preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with signs following. Before he came, the Lord spoke into his heart to come. In fact his coming was just the answer of our prayers because during that time we were praying for an evangelist to come to conduct crusades in our area. When Lawrence wrote to me concerning what God had told him to do, there was joy in my heart and we were excited about it. During our conversation on the telephone the Lord put our hearts together in the same vision and compassion for the lost.

Finally Evangelist Lawrence Scott arrived at Cagayan de Oro Airport last November 16, 1993. He stayed at the Phivedec temporarily because we were looking for a home where he could stay and has the freedom to do anything he wants to do. After three days of stay at the Phivedec the Lord provided him a very good house with furniture, dining table, bed and bathroom. This house is located at Lower Solana near the residence of Pastor Jun Rullen. Pastor Jun and Melanie Rullen are pasturing a church in the town of Jasaan and Pastor Jun is also the driver of the jeepney and at the same time the mechanic. The house where Lawrence was staying is owned by Michael Dail. The people living in that area belong to the family of Mr. Michael Dail and they became the friends of Lawrence Scott. These people showed a deep concerned for him and they brought fruits and they offered Filipinos foods and they really care.

I have already prepared the schedule for the crusades in many different places. These days before we started the crusades, Lawrence was invited to attend a Bible study by Pastor Ray Escalante in a village up in the mountain called Ralingagan. At first it was just a normal sharing of the word but the Holy Spirit started to move in our midst. There were five believers who were baptized with the Holy Spirit, one delivered from evil spirit and everybody enjoyed the presence of God in our midst.

The coming of Lawrence was a great blessing to the churches here in Cagayan de Oro City and the province of Misamis Oriental, and in the neighboring provinces He’s very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and we have learned many things from him. We felt the compassion of God in him and the real burden for the lost. He is a humble person but he stands in the Truth without compromising to the world.

First Crusade

Place Dayawan

Pastor Virgilio Duante

Our first crusade was in the barrio called Dayawan. The host Pastor for the crusade was Pastor Virgilio Duante. It was held beside the country road under the coconut trees where the houses of the people were living in that area. When we started to put up the musical instruments and the music team started to sing, the people came out from their houses and gather around us. The power of God was very strong when Lawrence started to share the Word of God. People stood still listening to the message of God and the Spirit of God was moving among them. When Lawrence challenged those who want to accept Jesus to come forward, many came forward. Many came forward with a repented heart. There were two young men came forward because they were tired of living as a drug addict, drunkard, gambler and many other vices. After the prayer for salvation more people came for healing. We have seen how the Lord healed them instantly. As a result people were added to the church of Pastor Virgilio Durante; and he was happy about it. The schedule for this crusade was three nights but the last night was for the cell group of the church. When the service was started it was plain and normal like other services. Lawrence started to preach but he was listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance what to do next. While He was preaching the Holy Spirit moves in a special way. Lawrence uses the illustration of the cross where Jesus died for us and he challenged them not to hide but to be bold in giving the testimony of Christ. He challenged the people to come forward to stay bold regardless of the trials and persecutions that may come our way. The people accepted the challenge and when they came forward almost everybody fell to the ground by the Power of the Holy Spirit. The singers were still singing but when Lawrence touch them, they all fell to the ground and laid on the mud. They really enjoy the Presence of the Holy Spirit for almost an hour.

Second Crusade

Place Puerto

Host Pastor-Pastor Edmar Magalona

The next crusade listed in our schedule was in Puerto. The host Pastor of the crusade was Pastor Edmar Magalona. The Roman Catholic is very strong in this place that they could control the people in this area. When the crusade was announced their leader conducted a seminar in their Church so that the people cannot attend the crusade. When the crusade was started most of the people attended in their seminars but there were interested ones who came to the crusade and they accepted Jesus into their hearts as their Savior and Lord of their lives. There were people also who came forward for healing and they were healed instantly.

God made some changes in our crusade schedule. In other places, the original plan was 3 night crusades in every place but God changed it. Instead of 3 nights God directed Lawrence to have one big crusade in the last night. The first two days were used for inviting people to come. The team will go from house to house, inviting sick people to come for healing on the third night. The result was great. We were able to see sick people coming, and they all got healed

Lawrence was not preaching only at the crusades but also preached at many different churches. While he was here with us his Sundays were fully booked. We have seen God moves in every church where he preached, and in every church service God moves in a different way. One thing that I have learned from Lawrence was he knows how to move with the Holy Spirit. He does things which

God directed him to do. He was listening to God and walked on His direction.

Our third Crusade

Nov. 30-Dec 1-2, 1993

Host Pastor Carlos Gallur

Location--Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City


This crusade was different to other crusades we had. The location of the crusade was a place where poor people are living. These people formed themselves an organization called, "Landless." They don’t have a place to stay and no job at all. These people has decided to take a portion of governments property where they build their houses and many people relocated themselves to that area. The government forced them to leave from that place because that area is not a residential lot, but the people refused to move. They fight against the government but they are not secured yet. So God brought us there for a crusade through the invitation of Pastor Carlos Gallur. Lawrence Scott preached a message which God told him to preach. The Spirit of God was so strong and when we started to pray for the sick, many came forward for healing and they were all healed. Hallelujah! The people felt the Love of God and they felt that they are loved by God’s servants.

Fourth Crusade

Dec. 5-7, 1993


Host Pastor--Pastor Ray Escalante

God has brought us always in many different experiences. This place is at the top of the mountain and there has never been a crusade conducted in this area. The people were really happy to see us coming in their place to preach Christ to them. We borrowed a combo set with drums, electric guitars and amplifiers from a man in this area. He was very happy to loan us his musical instruments and he was proud of it. When the music team started to play the instruments the people started to gather. Those that were invited started to come together with the sick people that were invited to come. When the singers started to sing, the presence of God filled the place and the Power of God was heavy . When we start inviting people to come for salvation after the message many came forward and they accepted Jesus into their hearts. After ministering to the new converts we gave another invitation for healing. Many different kinds of sick people came. A paralyzed man came forward using his crutches together with the two man assisting him because he cannot walk alone. A lady who has a goiter in her neck came , and there were a lot more. When Lawrence and I started to pray to the paralyzed man the Power of God manifested. The man started to walk and dance before the Lord. He was able to raise his arm high and God healed his eyes from the blurred sight. The lady who has a goiter was healed, pain in the body was gone and many more healings occur.

Fifth Crusade


Date-Dec. 8-10, 1993

Host Pastor--Pastor Tito Daroy

We were all excited to see signs and wonders following in every crusade. There was no two crusades are alike, in every place God moves differently. In this place we did a lot of preparation before the crusades started. Like in other places two days before the crusade, the team went around the place inviting people to come. As we went around from one house to another, we met different kinds of people, interested and not interested but God is our confidence. We just follow what God wants us to do, to preach the Gospel to every creature.

The crusade started at 5:00 PM at the Basketball Court of this place. I have noticed that there was not one crusade that the Presence of God was not around. As an interpreter of Lawrence Scott, I knew how the Spirit of God moves in every crusade. The preaching of the Word was so powerful and it was manifested at the prayer line. Many were healed during that night as confirmation of the Word of God.

Sixth Crusade

Place--Sta. Ana

Date--15-17, 1993, December

Host Pastor--Pastor Dan Erlina

During this crusade the weather was not good. It was raining for the whole day, so we were not able to prepare the crusade well. We went to the area late and the

host Pastor was not there. We were hesitant to start because the permit of the

Barangay Captain was at the hands of the host Pastor. But the Holy Spirit said it’s ok, so we start to do the singing and the invitation for the people to come. Even though we started late but when the people heard the singing many came out from their houses and attend the crusade. Lawrence started to preach about Jairus daughter whom Jesus raised from the dead. After the preaching many came forward to receive Jesus and for healing. God healed a man who was paralyzed for six years. That was my another experience to see a paralyzed man healed by the Lord.

Seventh Crusade


Date--Dec 18, 1993,

Host Pastor--Pastor Boboy Lapure

This crusade is very different to other crusades we have had. The venue for the crusade is in the mountain and we travel for two hours to get there and another two hours to get back home. The road is very rough but our vehicle was able to make it even though we went there without spare tire. If we had flat tire we would have to sleep on the road without houses around and no single vehicle passing by. We thank God for our safe travel. We arrived in the mountains after two hours of travel at 7:PM. The team started to put up the instrument on the stage and we started the crusade. According to the Pastor that was the first crusade ever happen in that area. The people from all over the place came to see what’s in the stage. They enjoy the singing and to see an American preaching with an interpreter. This place is very far from the city and it’s hard for them if somebody is sick. When Rev. Lawrence Scott invited them to come for healing many sick people came forward for healing. Most of them has never come to a doctor because their place is very far from the city. The Lord touched them and many were healed instantly. We returned back home with joy in our hearts without thinking on rough road. We spent another two hours on rough road and God was with us all the way home. Praise the Lord God.

Another thing that God directed Lawrence to do was to have a parade on the 31st of December together with other churches combined. This is the first time to have a parade here in our town. We made torches, banner, two big Bibles and signs. We marched around the town singing and shouting and praising God. We ended the parade at the unfinished Gym. When I got the permit weeks before the Gym was not available but when we were about to start the parade, the mayor of the town allowed us to use it. Hallelujah! At the Gym we had praise and worship and the Power of God was heavy. Each minister of the different churches gave a short message. After the message of all minister Lawrence gave a message also. Then the Holy Spirit guided us what to do next which was not planned before. Pastor Durante put a big stone in the middle of the Gym and every believer got a small stone in their hands. The big stone represents Jesus Christ and the small stones represents the Believers. We make a big circle around the big rock and we put our small stone on the top of the rock. Then we pour out the oil on the small stones and we declare victory over all the spirit of darkness that controls the people in the town. We mentioned all the strongholds we bind them and destroy the works of the enemy after the program the Christians went back to their home victorious and we believe that it was not the last but the beginning and we believe that next year it will be bigger and greater things will happen.


Cabadbaran Crusades

I want to share to everyone who may be able to read this record of what God has done when evangelist Lawrence Scott came here in the Philippines. We had been

to many places to conduct crusades and we have seen the manifestations of God’s power in every meeting. God was manifesting differently in every crusade and no single meeting was the same.

December 22-27 was our schedule to go to Cabadbaran to conduct another two night crusades when we reached there in the afternoon of the 22nd of December. We started to put posters and we invited people to come. During the crusade there were many people came and the power of God was very strong. After the preaching of the Word, there were people came forward to accept Jesus in their hearts and some came for healing. God healed them all that came forward and after we prayed for them, the Lord directed us to go to the crowd to find some sick people. There in the crowd a young man who suffered of polio hiding behind the two other young men. Lawrence said, "God told me that one of you here needs prayer." The other two guys said that the young man hiding is the one. Lawrence prayed for the young man and the Spirit of God moves for his healing.

Our next crusade was on the 25th of December in one of the barrios of Cabadbaran. That was only our schedule but on the 24th the Lord directed Lawrence to conduct a crusade in the Muslim area where the Muslims are living. In Cabadbaran there is a Christian who was a Muslim before. He was converted to the Lord and he is now a born again Believer of Jesus Christ We ask him to give us a favor to become the interpreter of Lawrence. He refused to interpret because he afraid that the Muslim will kill him. He was fearful, but it did not stop us to preach to the Muslim. I became the interpreter of Lawrence to the Muslims even though I don’t know how to speak Islam. I interpreted the preaching of Lawrence into my dialect because the Muslim can understand Cebuano. When the singers started to sing the children of the Muslims gathered around and the adult Muslims came also. When Lawrence started to preach with me as interpreter, the Muslims were listening. They did not go away until the drops of rain came. Even though

they returned to their houses but they were still listening because their houses are way close to where we stand to preach. When Lawrence gave the challenge to those who want to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord of their lives there were people who came forward and together with few Muslims. The Power of God was strong in our midst and He was moving to the hearts of the people.

While preparing for the next crusade on the 25th of December, the Lord directed Lawrence to go back home on that day. He did not know why but it was confirmed when somebody came and told us that there is typhoon coming. We packed up everything and we started to travel back home. We travel; with heavy rain that we could hardly see the road. We arrived home safely at 9:00 O’clock in the evening. On the following day we heard on the news that one of the bridges in the highway from Butan City to Cagayan de Oro City were destroyed. We thank God for his direction to come back home right on time. If Lawrence failed to listen to God we all be stranded in Cabadbaran for 3 to 5 days. Thank God for His direction.


Today Jan 11. 1994, 6:20 AM. I am very much thankful that God sent Lawrence Scott here in our country. He’s really a blessing to us and we have learned many things from him. He teach us how to move in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and being sensitive to His leading.

 Evangelist Lawrence Scott will go home today with joy in his heart. He can say to his Commander in Chief, which is God who sent him, "Mission Accomplished."We will miss him, but his family is waiting for him and they really missed him so much.We highly recommend Evangelist Lawrence Scott to minister in other ministries in USA and abroad, and I’m sure you will be blessed.

Pastor Tim and Virgie Jumawid

Villanneva Christian Center

P.O. Box 267

9000 Cagayan de Oro City




( (Our ministry operates by the gifts of God’s people who care. We are a non-profit organization; all gifts are tax-deductible. Open to preach in your Church or conduct crusades in the USA or abroad,




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