Family tax credit

How to Soften the Blow ofLand Use Change TaxMay 2002By Michael D. family tax credit 2002-tax-brackets. Ruedig and Donald E. Gartrellfor New Hampshire Business ReviewCurrent use taxation in New Hampshire was designed to remove high property taxes from the landowner's budget so that there would not be a tax-based motive to sell or develop land. To achieve this, valuations for undeveloped land are set well below market values, lowering property tax assessments. family tax credit Tax services. The landowner applies for current use taxation, and assuming the land meets the general criteria, the next April 1, the tax bill goes down. The price the landowner pays for this tax break can be very high. If the land use ever changes, the law imposes a "land use change tax" equal to 10% of the current market value. family tax credit Tax-questions. There is no statute of limitations or other time limit on this tax - it hangs over the property forever. This tax is secured by a lien, notice of which is recorded in the registry of deeds when the land goes into current use. Take as an example, a hypothetical 50 acre tract in Concord. Current market values might be in the vicinity of $5,000 per acre, or $250,000 in total. Given the current tax rate of $27. 34 per thousand, the annual tax bill would be $6,835. If the land were taxed under the current use system as farmland, in the mid-range at $200 per acre, then the tax bill would only be $273 - a significant savings. However, when taken out of current use, the owner at that time will have a $25,000 tax bill (or more, if the then-current market value has increased) that must be paid before clear title can be conveyed. Even if the current owner does not plan to develop the property, the $25,000 liability looming eternally over the property, (which will only increase over time) will undoubtedly reduce market values if the property is ever sold. Triggering the taxOnce in the current use box, there is no easy exit. Taxpayers cannot simply elect to take their land out of current use. Under RSA 79-A, the land use change tax is only triggered when:Actual construction begins on the site causing physical changes in the earth; Topsoil, gravel or minerals are excavated or dug from the site (with some exceptions); By reason of size, the site no longer conforms to criteria established by the Current Use Advisory Board. Issuance of final approvals by the planning board does not trigger the tax. Only the developer's actions in commencing work on a project will trigger the tax. Timing of the tax creates tension between the owner and the assessor. Often, the town wants the tax stretched out over time, to tax future increases in value resulting from betterments and the market success of a project.

Family tax credit

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