Quests for Truth, Prologue, by Sailor GlitterGirl & Rose Aquarius, July 2001 GlitterGirl: Okay, this is for you people who didn't bother to read book one, or it's been a while, and you don't want to have go back and read it all over again. Rose-chan: So this is a summary of book one, okay? Very informative, and I definately recomend you at least skim it. It clears up a lot of confusion by laying it out plainly. GlitterGirl: Read on and enjoy! ***@THE UNIVERSAL GALAXY SAGA@*** ~Quests for Truth~ Proluge: Legend of the First Senshi, the Sailor Guardians By: Sailor GlitterGirl & Rose Aquarius At: Don't you know by now? It all started when over three thousand years ago, an evil ruler, the king of the leading kingdom of an alternate dimension attacked the only kingdom whose occupants posed a threat to them; The Light Kingdoms of the Lightverse, another alternate dimension. The two queens, Queen Unilaxia, who had two toddler daughters, and who controlled the light of the stars, and her sister, Queen Chronosia, whom had one adult son, and whom controlled the light of the planets, had fought the Shadow warriors at every turn, but finally, they had no choice but to use a great object of power. But earlier in their battles, the evil king of the Shadow Kingdom had placed a curse upon them, saying that if they ever used this great power, they would be destroyed. Luckily, he hadn't know that they had other powers. The powers of the Sailor Senshi. Queen Unilaxia became the warrior of starlight, Sailor Universe. And Queen Chronosia became the warrior of life-light, Sailor Galaxy. These powers alowed them to live a little longer after using the great power, the Cosmos Crystal, which was created when the two halves, the two Light Crystals -one belonging to each sister- were joined. And when they did, the Shadow Kingdom was shoved back, sealed away in their gloomy dimension for all time. But then, knowing that their death was drawing near, and since they feared that other evils -perhaps even one day the Shadow Kingdom- would rise to threaten the safety of good, and the lives of all dimensions. So, with painstaking caution, they selected the strongest, best led kingdom among all dimensions, ruled by a young, beautiful, and fair queen named Queen Serentity Tranquility. All the queens of the planets of the main star system were good and pure, and all were the best of friends. Satisfied that they would do, Queen Unilaxia and Queen Chronosia split the Cosmos Crystal into fourteen seperate crystals, the Light Crystals, and gave them to the queens, giving them each the power to become the Senshi of their own planets, each taking an oath to protect all that was good should the Shadow Kingdom ever arise again. Over time, the senshi learned to tap into their own personal energies, and use that to fight other evils, other than the Shadow Kingdom. Then Queen Unilaxia gave her beloved daughters to the Queen Serenity, ruler of the Moon of the third planet in the system, where the head quaters of the alliance of the solar system, the Silver Millennium, was based. Then the Queens went home, to what was left of their kingdom after the war, and died together in their sleep. The Sailor Senshi, while the Universe was not in danger, became the guardians of the Moon Queen, and when their own daughters were old enough, they passed on a portion of their power to their daughters, the princesses of the planets, and they in turn guarded the daughter of Queen Serenity Tranquility and her husband, who was the son of Queen Chronosia. Their daughter was the young Princess Serenity the first. Upon their thirteenth birthdays, the Princesses of the long forgotten Light Kingdom, daughters of Queen Unilaxia, were told of their true origins, or what little was known of it, and given their own Light Crystals, the two main pieces for the Cosmos Crystal. They, the Queen, and Sailor Pluto, the guardian of time and son of Queen Chronosia, were the only ones who knew of the legend of the Cosmos Crystal, and of the recent prophecy that the Shadow Kingdom *was* to return. Only a year later, their half brother, Prince Orion, left to find the Shadow Kingdom, conviced that the evil shadow creatures would win when they returned. Try as they might, they could not change the young, naiive and ambitious prince's mind, and he left to join the side of evil, never to be seen again. The Sailor Guardians, the only two senshi without planets, the daughters of Queen Unilaxia, joined the ranks of the younger Senshi in guarding Princess Serenity. Then, on the day before Princess Serenity's coronation as heir to the Moon Kingdom throne, her younger sister, Princess Beryl, showed her jealous power. Envious and vengeful that her sister was to be queen and bearer of the legendary Silver Moon Crystal and not her, had become evil, gathering her minions and planning an assult of the Moon Kingdom. Having gotten wind of the prophecy of an evil kingdom coming and destroying everything, she thought her army that kingdom, and dubbed herself Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom. She attacked, focusing most of her reasources on destroying the princess. But the younger Sailor Senshi fought bravely, calling upon their personal powers as well as the powers that came from their pieces of their Mothers' Light Crystals. Eventually, after using a combined, tiring attack, they managed to throw Beryl and her minions into a prison in the sun, to be trapped there for all eternity. Yet just before she was sealed away, Beryl aimed one last blast at her sister. But, seeing it in time, Sailors Galaxy and Sailor Universe, daughters of Queen Unilaxia took the blow for themselves. Their power of light protecting them and counteracting Beryl's power in an unexpected way, and they were cast into a third dimension. The Lightverse. It took many years for the two princesses and close sisters to piece together their past from what was left of the library and royal records in the ruins of the palace. Due to affects of that dimension and Beryl's power, they didn't age at all, even in the hundred years that they spent there, using their powers to reconstruct the palace to livible conditions. Eventually, they established a weak link with the Princess Serenity the first, who was by that time Queen Serenity, and had a daughter by her then late husband of Pluto. The young Princess was as beautiful as her mother, and just as vibrant. She was Princess Serenity the second. It took quite a while, but eventually Queen Serenity, along with the help of the daughter of the original Sailor Pluto, Princess Setsuna, they were able to make it so that the two Light Princesses, whom had reclaimed their identities as Princess Universia of the Universal Light Kingdom, the first half of the Light Kingdom, and who was Sailor Universe. Her sister claimed her rightful title as Princess Galaxcia, ruler of the second half of the Light Kingdom, the Galactica Kingdom, also Sailor Galaxy. But by the time the trans-dimensional link was established, they had become a mere legend throughout the starsystem, and they deemed it best to leave it that way. Their cousin, Sailor Pluto, and her sister Queen Serenity were the only ones who knew that they were not a legend, and visited as often as possible. Then, on a whim, the two sisters decided to take a long awaited, and greatly earned vacation, having become bored with simply watching over the starsystem, just as Pluto watched over time. Yet, while vacationing, Queen Beryl was finally released, and she attacked yet again. Sailo Pluto rescued her cousins just before their vacationing place was conquered, and explained to them why she could not let them help defend the starsystem, explaing that if they interferred, destiny and fate's plans, along with the true flow of time would be disrupted. Instead, they were sent into the future, where the Shadow Kingdom had finally arisen yet again, as the prophecy from so long ago was beginning to be fulfilled. There they met up with the reincarnations of the guardians of Princess Serenity the second, daughter of their own cousin, Queen Serenity, who had acquired her own powers as a senshi, Sailor Moon. There was also the Prince of Earth, who was Serenity's love in the Silver Millennium, and who still was. They were startled to discover that a small, pink haired young girl wearing the royal odangoes was the future Neo-Princess Serentiy, the future daughter of Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion in the Crystal Millennium, a thousand years into the future. Staying on the sidelines for a short while, helping in battles only when nesseccary, they were finally forced to tell the senshi who they were, and rekindle their memories of the legend of the Shadow Kingdom. The last senshi of the Silver Millennium were shocked when told that for the past four years they'd been fighting, they hadn't been using their *true* senshi forms, but had been using the guises that came with their own persoanal powers, the Light Warriors, and that to defeat the Shadow Kingdom, they must obtain their true Senshi forms, allowing them access to their Light Crystals, so they could form the Cosmos Crystal. Then, most unexpectedly, the former Prince Orion, now called 'Midnight,' of the Shadow Kingdom, appeared, begging his sisters' forgiveness, and offering his help on obtaining the Book of Truths, the only object with the ability to inform the Senshi on how to acquire their true senshi forms. Seeing his sincerity, Sailor Universe and Sailr Galaxy used their combined powers to clense his body and power of evil, and he glady helped them form a plan to infiltrate the Shadow Kingdom, and steal the Book of Truths. The plan was executed perfectly, save for one miscalculation that cost them energy, and got many of them wounded, including Sailor Unvierse. But the book was soon in their hands after that one grueling battle, and they took it home, and eventually they found the way to open sixteen portals that would lead them all on indivual quests to find their Quests for Truth. And that, our dear friends, is where our story begins, or rather, continues...