C'ris's and Riltath

{candidate} {hatching} {weyrling} {adult}
C'ris groaned. His body still ached from flying thread for long hours the day before over Woven Water Hold the day before. His thread score still burned. Riltath managed to come out mostly none the worst for wear.>Enia

"Well hullo ol' girl." He said cheerfully, patting the little firelizard on the head. "And how are you this fine moring." She cheeped and sent him random confused messages. He shrugged them off. They rarely meant anythin any way. He turned to His dragon, Riltath.
"Time to get washed ol' boy. Phew, you stink."
my name is Riltath. replied the blue with dignity.
"All right, alright," He smiled, "Riltath."

And I do not stink thank you. the blue replied with dignity. It's your equipement that you left in a heap when you saw Rilla coming out of the undercaverns.
"Oops." C'ris said with his usual cheerful grin. "Sorry about that." He sighed and straighted, "Guess I need to air it out. The room smells like firestone."
Don't blame me, it's your fault. and besides, it's waited this long, it can wait a little longer. I'm hungry.

After all of his equipement and his dragons needs were care for was he finally able to go down to the mess room where most of the other dragon riders and weyrfolk were already assmebled taking the first meal of the morning.
"R'lin! Clandi!" He cried to his friend and his sister. There heads were bent low and they were involved in some deep and ernest converstantion. C'ris congradulated himself at seeing his friends head jerk up and his sister's blush.
"What's going on?" He asked, sliding into a seat accross from them. They exchanged glances and simulttaniously said, "Nothing!"
C'ris raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Fancy that, his best friend and his sister having some sort of romantic interest in each other. Who would have thought to see that coming.
He grabbed a piece of fruit and they all exchanged the lastest weyr gossip. He and R'lin both rode blues and Clandi a green. It seemed natural then, they they somehow were friends. He noticed that ever since Clandi impressed she stopped chewing her nails. now that was interesting.
"Take care now you two." C'ris said, and took his leave. He thought that he should give the two young love lizards some time alone.
"Right, take care." Clandi said, R'lin waved him away. He left with a grin.

C'ris impressed at Rose Circle Weyr
Flitter is from Dawn Sisters Weyr

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