You enter a small weyr. Everything is all over the place. A dress is thrown over the back of a chair and there is random clutter everywhere. You walk into the room and almost immediately trip over a stray boot the blocks your way. Startled you cry out and a young girl grabs your arm to keep you from falling. She is tall, with her hair done in two small buns on haid tied with a bright red ribbon. Her eyes are a deep blue and they miss nothing. Next to her is a small blue dragon hatchling, wait, did you see that right? blue? girls were not supposed to impress blues! But here she was, and she was oviously the dragons, and you can only stare.
"You know you shouldn't sneak into peoples living quarters without their permission, you might get hurt." And she laughs. You smile to, though weakly? "Are you hurt?" She asks, her voice betraying a slight concern for your well being. She winks at you and you laugh.
Qualth! Isn't he handsome? My Skin itches "I think so." You say and she grins.
"Good. I was just rubbing Qualith down with a little bit of hide oil. He is very finickly about that sort of thing." She grins and you see that he hands are covered in oil from the bottle. He says to her, and she sighs and rubs so more oil on him. She pauses in her work.
"What's your name?" You ask, as she bends to pick up the offending boot and tosses under the bed where it's mate is waiting.
"Keele." She replies steadily. "I'm a impressed at Talorcliff Weyr."
"I see, not that long ago?" She nods, and then you ask, "How were you searched?"
"It was rather a surprise when I was!" She says hurriedly, her blue eyes suddenly brighter and her features playfully animated, "I was walking on the beach and a man came behind me and poof! It happened. Nothing really dramatic. Well, sort of dramatic. I was looking for flitter eggs. Didn't find none, but I was looking. It was Recorded if you are interested." You take the scroll from her and read it quickly then hand it back to her. It is rather impressive.

At that time a small green firelizard flits into the room and lands neatly on her shoulder. She laughs and scratches it under the chin, an action that it - she greatly enjoys. the little one crons for a few seconds and then Keele remembers you are still in the room.
Cires, made by ME for keele. You may not take her. "This is Cires. I didn't have a filt before I was searched, she still is very young. When I came here a rider had found a clutch and they asked me because I didn't have a flitter if I wanted impress one. I was so overjoyed at the very idea of it that they all laughed and pressed an egg in my hand. I didn't know what to say or do other then say thank you over and over again. They told me what to do with it and everything, and here she is." She grins down at her flitter, her eyes glowing with a spark of something that you can't discribe.
You nod, unnable to think on anything to say. You decide to ask her about her life, and what happened to her before she came to the weyr.
"Oh!" She says with another laugh. She is incredibly bubbly, though it seems to be mostly forced. "My mother was a cook, and my father was a runner tender. We lived on a little hold in the middle of now where, the south. There was me and my older brother Keelan and my sister Lani." She pauses for a second and a rather dreamy look crosses her face. "I guess. . . life was nice there. When I was there I could think of nothing but a way to get out. I was to old to be apprenticed, and to young to leave on my own. I just wanted out." She looks over fondly at her dragon, "I'm glad I finally did." She says and rubs her dragons crest.
You glanse around the room and see something that you missed before. Tacked up on the wall is a small picture, drawn oviously by a small child. You ask Keele about it and she laughs. The picture that Keele's sister drew her "That's the picture that my sister gave me just as the search rider was leaving. I remember that she looked so sad when I left. There are no kids her age to play with at the hold. I wish I could have taken her with me. Maybe . . . because I impress she might be able to come here and become a candidate as well. Maybe . . . " You catch the hope in her voice and smile.
"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" She asks hurridly, like a child that was caught in with their hand inside the baked goods jar, "I took some bread and fruit juice from the mess hall just in case I got hungry before it was time to get to work. I thought being a candidate puts you in the lap of luxuery but infact you have to do all these odd chores, I'm not even sure why some of them are done. We went to see the eggs this morning, that was amazing. I really like all the other candidates, they are nice sort of folk though some of them seem to look at this a competion or something. I dunno, it seems stupid." She shrugs and continues, "They say we will go every morning until the hatch as well!" She laughs again and you grin. Her laugh is like a little tinkle of a thing. She does seem to have this odd habbit of changing the topic of conversation without letting you get a word in at all.
"No thanks about the food." You say, "I just ate. Thank you for asking."
"That's alright." Keele says.
It was getting late! "It was nice to meet you. I'll come back soon to see how Quath grows." You promise, and she grins and goes back to tending her dragaon.

Age: 15
Pets: Cires, Green Flitter
Possition:Candidare at Talorcliff Weyr
Dragon: Blue quaith (his stats coming soon)
Mate: Are you kidding?

All Graphics, the picture, the background, her title were made my ME!. DO NOT TAKE THEM. (Well except the dragon pic that came from Talor Cliffweyr Same goes with the story. So don't steal.
Well, everything other then the dragon pic that was 1
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