R'lin and Shimath


{candidate} {hatching} {weyrling} {adult}
R'lin hurried down the brightly lit corridors of Rose Circle Weyr. He wanted to get a chance to Clandi before her brother got there. Most likely he would sleep in again, but then again you never knew. There had been a thread fall the night before. Many people within the Weyr who one would usually not think of as lazy spent a few extra hours in bed.

He was not one of them.

it was time to seize the day, and the opportunity. He wandered down to the mess hall. He saw Clandi sitting alone at the end of one of the tables. He grinned and made his way over. Clandi smiled and scotted over. She distanced herself from most other people. He wasn't sure why, but she never seemed to make friends very well. She tended to talk mostly to her brother and Her wingleader. C'ris asked him to talk to her, introduce her to normal soceity. He didn't have a complaint, she was pretty enough, and that's the truth.

"Did my brother put you up to this?"
"What makes you think that?"
"You are his best friend."
"Ach! It hurts right here." He said, gesturing to his heart. To his surpise Clandi laughed.
"You're teasing now." She accused. He grinned,
"What ever makes you think that?" "Why else would you be here?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're annoying." She said, after a pause. She took a bite out of her bread. "I mean seriously annoying."
"R'lin! Clandi!" C'ris cried to his friend and his sister as he approched them. They instantly pulled apart like something had shocked them. R'lin grinned inspite of himself and Clandi blushed feircely.
"What's going on?" C'ris asked, sliding into a seat accross from them. Clandi and R'lin exchanged glances and simulttaniously said, "Nothing!"
C'ris raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Fancy that, his best friend and his sister having some sort of romantic interest in each other. Who would have thought to see that coming.
"Take care now you two." C'ris said, and took his leave. Whatever he thought about that he kept to himself. R'lin could only be relieved. After C'ris left R'lin rose also.
"Shimath needs me. I'll catch ya later."
"Right. See ya."

He entered his small little weyr and looked up at his big blue, as he liked to call him. He was a normal size for a blue dragon, nothing major or anything.

"Hey Shimath."
"Where have you been?"
"Eating, which is what you shall do in a moment."
"Good, i'm starving."
"alright then, off to the feeding grounds with you."

R'lin impressed at Rose Circle Weyr
Background made by me so don't steal, k?

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