Chapter 4
*The Unknown Visitor*
   September turned into October and Quidditch season was under way. Most of the students had forgotten about Layla�s incident the first day of school, but she had kept mostly to her self, thinking she was a freak. Her grandfather checked on her continually and even made a visit to her common room a couple of times. Wood had came to sit down with her in the courtyard a few times and just talked like nothing had happened. Instead he would talk and talk how Harry Potter was the new seeker, and Layla didn�t mind it, she just wanted to hear something else other than animagus.
     Three days a week after classes for about an hour Professor McGonnagall, an animagus herself would help to try and control Layla�s new found talent. Without success but they still kept trying. One day after her flying class, she walked down the hall with a small limp on her right leg, and into the Transfigures room where McGonnagall was looking through her desk. The teacher looked to Layla, �Miss Dumbledore? What are you doing here?� her voice sounded like no one was suppose to be arriving
Layla smiled, �it is time for our animagus lesson or did you forget?� the teacher stood up and brushed her robes off, �oh no dear I didn�t forget. But I have been busy today and it slipped my mind.� She smiles at McGonnagall, �oh sure its ok, first Quidditch practice is today and I would have only been able to stay a few minutes.�
     The teacher looks serious to Layla after those words; �you know you grandfather told the staff not to allow you to play Quidditch until you learned to control your animagus form. We wouldn�t want you to transfigure in the middle of a match now would we?� Layla brushed it off, �oh no pope wouldn�t do that,� she slightly giggled, �he knows how much Quidditch means to me� McGonnagall just stood there and looked to Layla.
     Layla�s heart sank, �pope wouldn�t do that to me he just wouldn�t. Where is he now?� McGonnagall looked out the window, �with Hagrid in his hut having some afternoon tea.�
Layla turned to the window and then back to the professor, �are you sure it is what he said?� the professor only nodded. By this time Layla has become to panic about this and morphed into her animagus form stopping around and thrashing her head. But the teacher only grinned, �I wondered when you would show up.� And the horse only cocked her head. The teacher pulled out her want and pointed it to Layla, �you can either come willingly or will I have to place a spell on you?� her horse ran around to the window and looked out the closed window.
     �I said willingly, it will be better if you do� Layla turned to the teacher and didn�t understand what was going on. But her being a teacher the horse nodded and trotted over to McGonnagall. Their the McGonnagall places a rope around her snout and neck like a animal and Layla began to panic more knowing it was a trap but too late to stop it. Her and her stupid mind cant even change back into human form. Her body began to thrash around, knocking over desks and chairs. The teacher just stood there and watched her as Layla began to get tiered. Too exhausted to kick anymore she stopped as McGonnagall tugged on the rope, �come on� her voice was more forceful then before, and the horse followed thinking on what to do.
Continue Chapter 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~>
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