The Most Dangerous Game

A few months after Erin wrote this essay, she got it handed back to her (60%) and she told me to read it. After reading it I decided it was the funniest thing ever. I copied it from her paper exactly how she wrote it, mistakes and all. Sooooo... Enjoy!

     In this story the plot is very interesting. There are several conflicts that arise in this short story written by Richard Connell (thank you Richard for bring this story into my life). To be more specific There are thee major conflicts of characters that can be found in Richard Connell's short story "The most Dangerous game".

      The first conflict of characters in this short story is character vrs. Character meaning General Zaroff vrs. Rainsford. This means that General Rainsford had a conflict with Rainsford. In the story Rainsford builds traps for the general to get caught in but the general does not like this so it creates conflict between the two characters hence it is a character vrs. Character conflict.
      The second conflict of characters in this short story is not between more than one character but between a character and the environment or in the story I should day Rainsford vrs. Swamp In the story Rainsford was running away from the general but who was trying to hunt him and ended up stepping in quick sand and he got mad because he was stuck so he was in a conflict with the environment,
      The third conflict of characters is Richards short story "The Most Dangerous Game" again involves two characters but it is not character vrs. character it is character vrs. self. That meaning a character is having a conflict with himeself. In the story the general nurses his bruised shoulder. That is a conflict with himself becausehe is conflicting with the pain and the pain is on him so it is a conflict with himself.
      In conclusion there are three types of conflict in "The Most Dangerous Game" the three that I just wrote about (character vrs. character, character vrs. self and last but not least character vrs. environment) as I was saying all three of these ? vrs. ? take place in Richard Connell's short story about hunting.
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