This is she is Sakura's best friend. Sometimes she can seem a bit obsessed  with Sakura, well quite frankly I think she is! One thing that isn't widley known about their 'relationship' is that Sakura and Tomoyo are cousins, don't ask me why they don't exploit this on the show but it's true. She spends most of her time either making elaborate battle costumes for Sakura and Kero, or video taping Sakura's every move and Clow Capture. She is the only person who Sakura has told about her being a Card Captor and there for the only one who understands Sakura fully.  She is supposedly a really good singer and also very smart.  She is also filthy rich, you don't see too much of this in the first series (as far as I know), but she never boasts that she is wealthy, in fact when Sakura first came to her house she was amazed.!
This is Kero, the 'Seal beast  of the Clow', okay he may not look like a Beast but he is not in his true form. See his job was to make sure none of the Clow cards escaped, unfortunately he fell asleep and all the Clow cards escaped. He wakes when Sakura opens the book and instructs her to become a card captor through the use of a magical key. But she doesn't take him too seriously because he has shrunken down into the shape and size of a little stuffed animal due to the fact that his powers has shrunk while he has been asleep. For him to restore to his origanal form Sakura must find the Earthy and Firey Clow cards. So thats Kero's backround, now for him. He is addicted to chocolate, pudding, cakes, anything sweet. He can seem pushy, and sometimes very stubborn, but is probably quite nice, as he always sticks up for Sakura. 
This is Li, a boy who shows up in Sakura's class form Hong kong. But he is no ordainary boy for he is a descendant  of a long line of magicans including Clow reed, the maker of the Clow Cards. For a while he is a rival of Sakura's always trying to beat her, and always critisizing her attempts at being a Card captor. Eventually the two team up together so they can capture all of the Clow cards. A part of the story which I think is kind of weird is the fact that he is engaged to a cousin, Meiling ! He only seems to like her in a brotherly way, which I suppose is better. One person who he does start to like is Sakura! Li is also a very good athlete, about as good as Sakura, and they are always challenging each other. One of his faults is the fact that he doesn't stop to ask questions and always jumps in, sometimes a bit too fast.
This is Meiling, she is Li's cousin and also fiance, she transfered from Hong kong to seek out and protect Li. She is a really good fighter, but has absolutley no magical powers which makes her rare in her family as everyone is magical. Meiling seems constantly jealous of Sakura and always trying to beat her, but I'm sure when it comes down to it all she is actually just protecting Li. Meiling has a tendancy to act without thinking, sometimes this costs Li or Sakura a Clow card capture, or sometimes it helps. Her character is kind of flimsy, as her feelings towards people and things seem to change from day to day, but I really don't care I still think she is really cool and just out there protecting what she can.
This is Julian, he is Sakura's brothers best friend. Some people think he is really nice and really dependable, but i think he is kind of scary! Julian always seems to be there when anyone needs him, and he always seems to be at the same place as Sakura. Now heres one thing that I think is really weird, he loves hanging around with Sakura, when has your older brothers friends ever been nice to you? Julian lives with his Grandparents, and is always ready to stuff his face full of food, which may come as a suprise to some of his not so close friends.
This is Sakura, she is an energetic girl who succeds in pretty much anything she throws herself at. She is great at swimming running, cheerleading, magic, anything sporty. She does have competition though, Lee, who is also good at everything. Sakura is the card captor,  while lee is the descendant of Clow reed who origanally made the Clow book. Sakura has a crush on her brothers friend, and spends quite alot of the time falling all over him. Sakura is a sweet girl who people find quite hard not to like but the few that do are actually just hiding there feelings. 
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