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Gozing Surveys

Survey frequency: 1 or 2 each week
Value of surveys: $4 - $25
Minimum cash-in: None
Paid me: Yes, several times

When somewhere offers to pay you money to watch movie trailers then a few of the words which slip into your mind are inevitably going to be scam, con, rip-off and a few other choice words which I'll spare you from here! Rest assured however that GoZing Surveys is certainly no scam, in fact, they are one of the busiest, most fun and best paid survey sites on line at this moment in time!

You really can earn money here evaluating never before seen movie trailers!

Registration with the site is painless and then all you need do is either sit back and wait for survey invitations to arrive in your inbox OR check back to your account regularly between Wednesday and Friday as that is when they add more paying surveys directly onto their site. You need to be quick with these ones as they have a limit on how many respondents they need and they do fill up really quickly these days. The on site movie trailer surveys pay $4 (either in cash through PayPal or gift vouchers) for completion whilst you can earn up to $25 for the invitation surveys which can be on a variety of subjects like consumer products, current affairs etc.

A survey can take anything from a few minutes to 15-20 minutes to complete depending upon the study itself and what is involved. If you are asked to watch a trailer then you will have to include the time it takes to download the trailer itself which can take around 5 minutes on modem connections or much shorter on faster connections. The survey questions themselves are certainly nothing too complicated so anyone can take part. You'll be asked if the movie appeals to you from what you have seen and if not, why not or what you would change - that kind of thing. It's all pretty simple.

Payment for their surveys can take a while to arrive but it certainly does arrive and I can vouch for that as I have been paid several times by them. You can get paid cash if you register a PayPal account(a means of transfering cash easily online recently bought by the auction giant eBay) or in gift vouchers which will arrive via email to the account you registered with Go Zing when you signed up. You can also earn more money if you refer friends and family to GoZing! Referals earn you $0.50 each time they complete a survey and as you can refer as many people as you like this can really mount up - especially since survey frequency here is so high!

Overall, I would thoroughly recommend GoZing Surveys as one of the busiest and best survey companies online at this moment in time.

© wampyrii 2003

Address: GoZing

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