The Chandelier

One hundred cheerful essential tremorers
Mingled in the ballroom of the mansion
And began to sip superb liqueur,
Imbibed to calm their tremors for party fun.
Above them a crystal chandelier hung,
Its lights twinkling with each tread of their feet.
Suddenly, the ballroom doors burst open
And in charged eight masked men, robbers elite.
Each brandished an automatic weapon
And screamed, "Hands against the wall, face first!"
They obeyed, their tremors working their worst.
The robbers stole their jewelry and when done
They grouped 'neath the chandelier to shoot them all.
And were distracted by a rising hum;
A crack crossing the ceiling from the walls
To the chandelier in fast momentum.
Before they could move, the crack scored
The chandelier and it crashed upon their heads.
Saved, the tremorers slumped to the floor,
And the hum instantly was no more.
Their tremors had vibrated the walls
Till the chandelier was split and fell below.

Tremor Tales page 14
High I Q, Or Low?

I'm told I'm smart, that it's envied in me.
Do you suppose I am because I've E T?
I read that the majority who have it
Have high I Qs and great wit.
Now, to brag about compensation
That comes due to tremory functions
Would be insincere of me,
For less smart might be better, with no E T.
If I had to choose between the two,
I'm not sure just what I would do.
High I Q, but shaky?  Or low, but steady?
Its been said that ignorance is bliss,
So I choose to live my life in happiness,
Low in I Q, but with steady hands to lend
To shakers with high I Qs they choose not end.

My Achilles' Heel

With trepidation I told my employer,
"I have a neurological disorder
That makes me shake."  I hoped telling
The reason for my peculiar shaking
Would relieve me of my anxiety
Over views of my tremor anomaly.
But even as she tilted her head and said,
"Oh, I see," my telling had shed
Not one shred of embarrassment from me.
What an idiotic way to be,
To tell the why of my tremors, yet still
Desire to make them invisible.
I must overcome my Achilles' heel,
The want to hide what is real.

Queen Terminator

Near the headboard of my bed it lurked,
An eight-legged furry tarantula.  I freaked. 
Oh why to the Bush had I moved where
Unwelcome visitors climb walls? 
Would it attack?  Thank goodness it scooted out
Through a ceiling crack.  Once a large carpet snake
Blocked the stairs to my home's entrance. In fear
I stepped around it in feigned nonchalance and,
Still uncoiled, it let me safely pass.
Later I found it wrapped 'round the rafters
Of my outdoor john and I froze.  It slithered
Out a wide crack in the roof.  Whew! 
These first encounters with creepy crawlers
Happened twenty years ago.  I've since grown used
To their invasions, but my essential tremor
Still reacts as unruly as it did back then.   
If a tarantula invades my home, I zap
It up with my vacuum cleaner.  And woe to
Crawlers I find when I cut Bush timber,
For I'll smash 'em quick just for being there.
No tremor's gonna stop Queen Terminator. 


This is paradise, I thought as I
Walked alongside a path of strolling, blind
Inhabitants.  A place I'll make mine.
A utopia where no one stares at my
Essential tremors.  Many paths guide these
Industrious inhabitants from home
To home and to fields where crops they tend.
A nearby old woman pauses
In her walk and tilts her head towards me.
"Such heavy and haphazard steps I hear
Near off the path.  Lela!  Help the man,
He's lost."  And her lovely companion
Soothingly calls out to me, "Come, follow my
Voice.  Be not afraid.  I can help to heal
Whatever has caused your loss of direction."
My first instinct is to run, but I'm drawn
To the gentility of this maiden.
Hesitantly, I step up to her and give her
My hand, and its tremors bring a look of
Wonder to her face.  "You have that which once
We here all had, till in despair we chose
Blindness in exchange."  And I admit that
I despair over my affliction.
"Do not," she says, "For though you have tremors,
You've sight to guide you on your life's paths."
Champ Of The Boogie Woogie

The band began playing a boogie woogie
Tune and I grabbed my first partner
From the long line formed behind me.
I boogied with him till the next guy took over.
These exchanges went on till they danced in teams,
So quickly did each alone run out of steam.
Long before, they had seen my shaking begin
And thought it caused by excitement--a wigglin'
Like a dancer with a feather tickling her.
They didn't know dancing revs up my tremors.
When my last partner gave up, done in,
I thanked all and went to the room for ladies.
There my tremors settled down, and I grinned
At knowing I was champ of the boogie woogie.

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