Tremor Tales page 7
Song Of The Thrush

Sublime beauty all around, yet I roam
The glade in despair, my whole captive to Essential tremor affliction.  Sparkling dew Cascades from delicate petals of
Exquisite flowers as they feast on the
Early morning sunbeams caressing their
Faces from the diamond blue sky.  My
Gloom remains.  Hark!  There comes to me The joyful warble of a Wood Thrush.  Its Melody seeps into my soul and heals my Malaise.  And oh how my heart beats in
Glad rapport with the song of the Thrush

Grandma's Sleigh Bells

Sleigh bells were ringing in grandma's kitchen.
Their joyful lilting sound rising and falling.
How perfect, I thought, since its Christmas season.
I went to her there and I said, "How uplifting!"
And I saw entwined in her soft white hair
Sleigh bells jingling, as she whipped up goodies
For us.  And on her rings, fastened with care,
Tiny bells tinkled merrily.
Sweet grandma had creatively found a way
To have fun with her tremors this Christmas day. 

Love Lost

Listen, hear the throbbing of my heart.
It beats in sorrow of Love lost,
Driven away by tremors' part
Of me so inelegant.  A cost I
Paid when Love chose not to bear
My tremor caused slovenly eating,
My tremor jiggling our bed.  Despair.
But, should I sorrow?  No, no good came
With Love seeing imperfections distasteful.
Happiness can be mine now with the bane
Of Love gone.  I can now live life fruitful.

"So, you think you want to work here, eh?
Hmmp!  With those shakin' hands I think
You'd do better runnin' jackhammers.
But your head's twitchin' so much
I doubt you'd see where you're aimin'.
Go away and get reality in touch."
I ached to punch the interviewer,
But held back and explained my E T.  He sneered Like he thought me a drugged-out liar,
So I took off straight to a construction site.
The boss there saw me and yelled, "Yo, jock!
I've got the job that for you is just right."
And I was hired to shatter road rocks
With a bone jarring jackhammer.
(I envision each rock that interviewer.)    
Now, if someone asks if I'm nervous,
Or cold, or from drugs I'm withdrawing,
I say right in their puzzled puss,
"No man, I just finished jackhammering."
Eee Eee!

The doorbell's sharp eee eee startled him awake
And caused his essential tremor to go wild.
At the door he shouted, "Who's there?"  Silence.
"Nobody," he muttered.  "Then why did the bell
Ring?  Ohhh, the 'lectricity must of shut off,
Then restarted and got the bell ringin'.  Well
No eee eee is gonna wake me again and
Get my tremor speedin'."  He disconnected
The bell and went back to bed.  Pity.  Early
Next morning a philanthropist stopped by
To give him dollars, a million, but left
When the bell didn't work, and no one
Answered his knock.  Awakening later,
Our sleeper reconnected the bell never
To learn he should have let the bell eee eee.
Hey, he could've bought one that played music.

The Lounge Chair

"Oh just stop your shaking," he said, annoyed.
"Your tasks would be easier if you did."
This set off a fire in me, but I didn't respond.
Better to show him it couldn't be done.
I bought a lounge chair with high-speed vibrator,
Sat him in it and switched it on, and zing!
He shook like a twanged guitar string.
I then offered to give him hot cider.
"I'd burn myself!  First, switch off the vibrator."
"You can't?  Neither can I switch off my shaking."
"I see.  Please forgive; wrong was my thinking."
I smiled and jumped into the chair beside him
And he said, "Who needs chair vibrations
When I've your arms for massaging hugs." 
And together we shook like two love bugs.
Stars Of Delight

Stars of delight sparkle each day without end
Through the fabric of my tremor without/within.
A wave from a neighbor, a little child's grin.
Delights which ease the tremor peaks
That would leave me stressed and weak.
Stars of delight salve my troubled heart
And lift my spirits from morn till dark.

Father's Loving Touch

I could tell that father longed to hold
My babe as he said, "Give her to mother
To cuddle."  Tears welled up in his eyes,
But I just smiled and lay my babe in my
Mother's arms.  I wanted very much to tell
My sweet father that his tremors would not
Upset his granddaughter, so deep from my
Heart I said to him, "You're a port of safety,
My babe will know.  Feel free her to clutch
For she will gain comfort from your loving touch."
As he took her gently in his arms, she smiled,
And his fear was vanquished, forever.   
Accidental Thief

Out of pill money, I asked the bank teller
To cash the check I'd just handed her.
Just then my tremors chose to go crazy.
Her eyes widened, and her face turned pasty.
And a guy behind me yelled, "Run!
He's got a bomb strapped to him!"
She collapsed and patrons all around dashed
To the exit.  Stunned, I stood speechless.
Shortly, she struggled to her feet, and in fear
She pushed handfuls of cash towards me.  "Here!
Just don't set off your bomb."  "But I don't.  What? 
Uh, right."  I shoved the dough into my pockets
And headed for the door.  Before I reached it,
The pill I'd taken earlier kicked in
And steadied me.  The bank guard, thinking
My bomb was a dud, arrested me.  No bomb,
Yet here I am stuck behind bars, a dumb
Accidental thief.  But one good thing for me,
In here, my pills are free.
Her Rubber Hammer

The puzzled and strained look on her kisser
Told me she knew nothing of E T tremor.
She told me she'd have to read of it,
And that I should return for a second visit.
Oh she was sly, this neurologist.
When I returned for a diagnosis,
She slinked around the room asking questions
Of what were my physical symptoms.
Suddenly, she whipped around from my rear
And whacked my mouth with her rubber hammer.
I leaped out of my chair prepared to fight
And yelled,  "What the friggin?  Why the smite?"
She quickly stepped back, ready to run.
"Well you sure don't have Parkinson's!"
This news cooled my whack-induced anger
And I said, "Risky trial of my tremor,
But foolproof for differentiating
Parkinson's from E T tremoring.
But I suggest you lose the hammer,
Before I lose my cool demeanor.
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