Tremor Tales page 10
My Trenchcoat And Hat

Hunched up in my oversized trenchcoat,
I entered the mall restaurant and
Eyed a waiter from under my Indiana
Jones-like hat.  "Gimme a secluded
Table for one," I growled.  "And bring
Me a mug of beer.  Hurry, I'm on
Assignment."  As I slugged down the
Beer, I kept my shaky hand hidden
In my coat sleeve.  When the beer had
Calmed my tremor, I hurried out and
Handed the coat and hat to my tremoring
Friend waiting outside.  He donned it and
Entered the restaurant for a beer.  A
Minute later, he was rudely escorted out
By the waiter.  "Get on with your job!"
He snapped.  "Stop with the booze."  My
Friend and I had a good laugh over that,
And we hit another restaurant for his beer.
It was there we decided to rent the coat
And hat out to shaky shoppers who wanted Some booze to steady their tremors. 
Turned out many took up our offer
And we returned home a whole lot richer.

Like A Werewolf

I decided, though shaky and myopic,
To put on makeup for glamor.
I tinted my eyelashes black to their tips,  Darkened my eyebrows, and put a
Scrumptious red gloss on my lips.
"Daddy drive up yet, children?" I asked.
"Why're you laughing?  What's so funny? 
No, I'm NOT a werewolf for Halloween! 
My eyebrows are crooked?  My lashes twisty?  My chin is streaked with red sheen?
And my hair's sticking up all over!
Oh no!  Daddy's coming through the door."
"Uh, hi wife," he said, and then he crooned,
"One kiss before you howl at the moon." 
He pulled me outside, my sweet buffoon, and
Like werewolf lovers we howled at the moon.   
Hungry Neurologist

I flew my ship to Earth where I, disguised
As a neurologist, would capture E T'ers
For their sweetbread with a fake tremor cure
That looked like a pill.  I spread the news about it
And into my ship's office-like interior
They came.  Each took a pill and became steady.
But as I turned to lock the ship's hatch,
Too soon their tremors started again.  Driven
By despair, they ran out the hatch.
Plan thwarted, I lifted off to think up
A new strategy.  One Earth week later,
I scoped a blazoned newspaper headline:
I'd left too soon.  Too bad I'm trapped
In my crashed spaceship on the moon.

The Blankets

Stop piling blankets on me, I'm hot!
Now, now.  You've lost heat from your surgery,
And it's making you shiver.  I'm telling you,
Nurse, I am hot.  I'm not shivering from cold,
I have E T.  I always shiver.  All these
Blankets are gonna kill me.  Now, now, we
Know what's best for our patient's well being.
If that's true, you must see that I'm sweating.
My dear, that's from your temporary stress.
Here, here's another blanket.  Oh I give up. 
When you see a puddle where once was me,
You'll know my shivering was from my E T.
The nurse left then and while she was gone,
I saw that my tremors visitors could not see
Under all those blankets.  So when for home
It was time to go, I wrapped them 'round me. 
Boiling hot, but hey, my E T was hidden. 
Now, everywhere I go, I wear 'em.

Pancakes For Breakfast

Have you ever tried flipping pancakes in
A pan?  It's real fun when you have tremors
Of the hands.  You shakily grip the spatula,
Shove it under the cake, lift the spatula and
Turn it over just as your tremor jerks
Your hand, and the pancake goes flying
To the floor.  Yet, you don't give up.
Afterall, you gotta feed your family. 
With each new flip, you take a deep breath
And, temporarily steady, you manage
To land each cake in the pan.  Triumphant,
You cheer, "Pancakes straight from the pan!
Not a one scraped off the floor."
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