Tremor Tales page 38
From Tremor's Mist

From tremor's mist an intrusion came,
A figure that resembled me.
It reached out its hand tamed
Of tremor, amazingly.
Could this be a sign I need not despair
Over tremor's unwelcome theme?
Had I given it too much care
And weakened my self-esteem?
I grasp its hand most thankfully
With hope my future holds a steadiness
Such as that which it shows to me.
The figure retreats, and I let go blessed
With the knowledge that in time to come,
Tremor will no longer have me undone.   
Waves Of Hawaii

Tranquil waves flow onto the pristine
Sands of the beach on which I recline.
How comforting they sound, keen
To my need to forget the times
I'd been discomforted by my tremor.
Oh gentle waves, flowing in and out,
You give peace to my heart's murmur
Of discontent.  Your enchanting touch,
Your warmth, washes over me magically
And will soothe me whereever I go,
For remembrance of you in Hawaii
Will remain with me forever I know.
"Loony," The Doctor Said

"She's loony," the doctor said
Upon observing my tremor.
"My surgery to remove her appendix
Certainly did not bring it about in her
To the point of shaking from foot to head."
Yeah, doc, I thought, loony is why I tremor.
I shook not before, but your conclusion
Is I'm loony.  Best you reconsider it.
I wouldn't want you to look foolish when
Neurologists see that you are not correct.
After a time, the shaking diminished,
And I told that doctor, "I must be less loony."
His face flushed red, his cheeks twitched
And he mumbled in a way puny,
"Unfortunately, I was told I was wrong,
And so now no doctoring is my bane.
I'm to be a member of a special throng
Of doctors who sing, "I goofed again."
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