Coach's Comments
2010 Titans

   4/12/10 - Glenwood -

On the road tonight as we travel over to Omaha to Creighton field to play Hawkeye Ten rival Glenwood.  The weather is perfect, warm, and little windy, but a night game under the lights on perfect field conditions.  We moved up two players to Varsity tonight due to their play in the last two JV games.  Congratulations to Eric Kruse and Tyler Wobken.  Tonight's game, due to the wide and long field, will prove to be a challenge on us tonight by forcing us to mark up, communicate, and use the short pass.  We fail to do all of the above in the first half and with 11:29 left in the half we give up the first goal.  We fail on the mark up, a shot is taken and bounces back out to the top of the eighteen, Glenwood is there and takes the shot right up the gut.  Glenwood is up 1-0 and it stays that way into the half.  We now have the wind the second half, we talk about the lack of marking, lack of communication, try to put some short passes together and play the corners.  We are only down by one and this game is still in reach.  We play a better half, we are marking up better but we are still playing the long ball at times.  Just minutes into the second half we give up a second goal and go down 2-0.  We continue to fight hard, we never gave up and almost had a very scrappy goal just before the end of the game by Alex Hillers.  Alex had three shots on goal right in front of the net within about 10 or 15 seconds but we just couldn't put it away.  Who knows what might have happened if we could have put that one in and got on the board.  Good hustle Alex, keep working.  Good job tonight by Jaden Brouse, he was the silent player tonight who was everywhere, played several positions and played them all well.  We were out shot tonight 18-9, we need to be willing to load up and fire a little more.  Thursday night Sioux City North comes to town and we will need to be ready to protect our home turf.  We want to Thank all of the fans, parents, and family that were present to provide support tonight, we are happy you are there for the kids.  Please plan to join us on Thursday.

JV looked tonight like they did last week in game one against Atlantic.  They talked, made the easy pass and played together.  Not sure what happened on Thursday last week but what a difference again one game can make.  The first goal came in the first half off of a set play.  Glenwood is called for the foul, we set up the play and Lucas Costa steps up and takes the shot.  He hammers it to the back of the net and we are up 1-0.  Trevor Stephens started in the goal tonight and played into the second half.  While his time in the game Trevor logs 11 saves and maintains the shutout with a series of good saves.  Trevor played well tonight and maintained his focus through the game.  We are into the second half and we switch out the keeper and put in Michael Kleindienst.  Michael logs 7 saves during his time in the game, makes a couple of great goal saving stops and like last Tuesday holds on to the shutout.  Good job tonight by Trevor and Michael.  With just over 10 minutes left in the game Troy Mahood scores the second goal due to an all out effort that started on the sideline when he pressures and wins the ball.  He dribbles in from the side and from about 25 yards out takes the shot and places it perfectly into the top right corner.  We go up 2-0 and hang on to seal the shutout.  Overall we played well, controlled the center, played the ball to the outside and won.  Great play tonight by the whole team tonight as they were playing well, had fun, and it showed.  Brian Fountain did a super job tonight as sweeper, he talked, moved people around and stopped several attacks.  Good job up front tonight by Eric Kruse and Tyler Wobken.  What is interesting is we were out shot in the game 18-4, and we scored on two of the four shots.  Thursday will be another tough challenge for us as Sioux City North comes to town.


Thank you all for your support and your visits to our page. Keep checking back I will post different things off and on.  Interested in how the boys did and what they look like, then check out the 2010 Varsity Squad & Stats and 2010 Junior Varsity Squad & Stats pages to see our running season stats. Check back again for more comments.

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