Coach's Comments
2005 Titans

   4/28/05 - Kuemper
Tonight might have been history for Titan soccer.  The Knights from Kuemper come to town and we needed to step up.  Step up we did as we played hard and did a GREAT JOB defending VP.  We knocked in 7 goals tonight to finish 7-1 and end up scoring 16 goals in two games.  The last time we scored that many goals in two back to back games was in the playoffs in 2001 when we scored 24.  We believe we are a good team, when we finish, we are great team.  We had opportunities again tonight and one of the differences tonight is we took them early.  We scored 3 goals in the first 12 minutes then went away from what worked and were shut out until half time.   Pablo Navarrete and Dan Fischer hooked up early in the game with the first two goals.  Pablo takes the first shot and Dan is there to put away the rebound.  Pablo gets the third goal off of a nice through ball from Josh Probst.  The second half we don't stop as we come out moving the ball around and are more patient.  Finally 13 minutes into the half the scoring starts as we put away 4 goals in the last 27 minutes of the game.  Josh Probst gets two more assists and puts in a goal of his own from an assist by Ben Edwards.  Other goals for the night from Josh Grosvenor, Luke Thomsen, and Cory Jasek.  Oh yeah, Seth Jackson got his first goal of the season when they are called for a foul about 40 yards out.  I yell out, Jackson, take it.  He steps up hits it on goal and goes right over the top of the keeper.  Nice shot Mr. Jackson.  Our last goal of the night was Cory Jasek on the rebound from an all out effort by James Duysen who's shot is knocked away but Cory is right there to put it in the net.  Over all we played well and we got everyone into the game again tonight.  Congratulations to our latest addition to Varsity, as we moved Kyle Zaloudek up last night.  He even got some time on top tonight.  The challenge is on now as we go to Urbandale on Saturday to play in the Urbandale Tourney.  We will open with Perry at 9.  The competition Saturday will be back to what we faced the first three games of the season.  I believe we are up to the challenge.  We played very well in the first three games and learned to finish in the next two.  We put it together we will come out of the weekend 5-3.  Check back on Sunday to see how we did.

JV, what can I say, awesome job, once you woke up that is.  After the big win on Tuesday it appeared to me that we were still in the clouds savoring our victory and forgot that we were in a new game.  It is only 1-0 at the half as Korey Mabbitt sets up Zach Duysen for the only goal.  I challenge them to wake up, get into the game and get back to talking.  We stop talking and we look like all we are doing is running around out there.  We talk and we are ready for anyone and fun to watch.  We get three more in the second half and win 4-0 as Zane Brugenhemke logs his second shutout of the season and Ryan Thomas logs his second save.  The goals in the second half come as the Duyson Duo hook up to put in the first one.  James sets up Zach for the goal, they are fun to watch.  Next Logan Stichler gets the assist from Miguel Perez and hits it from about 25 yards out.  Our final goal came from 20 yards out by our third keeper, Kyle Fletcher.  I put Kyle on the field tonight in order to get him some playing time.  It is different having three keepers and I like to get everyone into the game if at all possible.  It was a good goal and a good boost for Kyle.  Once again tonight we were able to get everyone into the game as we played 26 of them between the two halves.  Keep the train on the track and rolling forward.

Thank you all for your support and your visits to our page. Keep checking back I will post different things off and on.  Interested in how the boys did and what they look like, then check out the 2005 Varsity Squad & Stats and 2005 Junior Varsity Squad & Stats pages to see our running season stats. Check back again for more comments.

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