Coach's Comments
2005 Titans

   4/30/05 - Urbandale Tourney
Number 7 in state Perry.  Who's that, what we told the guys today as we traveled to Urbandale to play in the Urbandale Invitational.  Our first game is against Perry, #7 in the state.  We played simple and patient.  Very attractive soccer, we moved the ball well, communicated well, and moved the ball forward with numbers.  Even with all of this they manage to put in the first goal just 5 minutes into the game.  In the past this would cause our heads to drop, but not today.  Instead it charged us up, we knew we were playing well and we just gave up a foolish goal.  3 minutes later Luke Thomsen hooks up with Dan Fischer for our first goal, and a tie game.  3 minutes later Dan says hey, here's back at yea Luke.  Dan crosses it in and Luke finishes.  We are up 2-1 at the half and we tell them that 2-1 is not going to win this game.  The second half is a little tighter and Perry and is not letting up.  Finally 20 minutes into the half Pablo Navarrete puts it away from about 10 yards out.  Josh Probst get's the yellow and is out for the rest of the half, Cory Jasek stepped it up and played well to cover the middle with no let down.  Pablo, Dan Fischer, and the whole defense, Seth Jackson, Dan Gulden, Korey Lane, and Joel Edwards were solid in the back and recovered from one accident in the first half but didn't fluster.  Win #1 in our quest for the weekend. 

The win puts us in the winners bracket and up against Urbandale.  They are big and a lot more physical.  The first half is nothing but a defensive battle as we turn them away time after time.  They took us out of our style of game and applied high pressure the whole time.  We almost manage to get to the half 0-0 when he calls a corner kick for them basically with time expired.  Before they kick the ball Coach Willer say's all we need to do is clear the ball the half is over.  All he is doing is letting them take the corner.  They kick it to the middle and they attack and put it away.  Coach Willer said again, it's half, we will touch the ball and he will blow the whistle.  Sure enough, we set the ball touch and it's half time.  Our heads drop just like that and we look beat.  We don't talk about it at the half though, we must get our heads back up and get back to what we do well.  Be patient, make the easy pass, and communicate.  We switched the line up a little and tried to go on the attack.  16 minutes in the second half they put in their second goal  then 2 minutes later they make it 3-0.  We did, we would not, and we will not quit.  We continued to fight and with 9 minutes left in the game Luke Thomsen goes deep into the corner and crosses it in.  The ball bounces around and James Duysen is there to knock it home.  That is as close as we can get.  They hold us off as we continue right up to the whistle to attack.  Overall actually another good game and an opportunity to experience another style of pressure and offense.  We lose and get on the bus to head home.  Even as big as they were today, Cory Jasek stepped in and grew up a little, he played well and didn't back down from anyone.  James Duysen comes in off the bench, plays his heart out and scores the only goal of the game.  That is big when your bench can step up and play the way they did today.  We didn't accomplish our mission but it was still a good day and we played some great soccer against two good teams.  We must take now what we learned today and build on it.  One good note is we dressed 21 kids today and between the two games, everyone got in.  In some cases it may not have been much time, but either way, everyone got in.

Thank you all for your support and your visits to our page. Keep checking back I will post different things off and on.  Interested in how the boys did and what they look like, then check out the 2005 Varsity Squad & Stats and 2005 Junior Varsity Squad & Stats pages to see our running season stats. Check back again for more comments.

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