Coach's Comments
2010 Titans

   5/15/10 - Norwalk Tourney -

We traveled today to Norwalk for their tournament.  This is always a tough tournament and today was no exception.  We started out the day against undefeated Grinnell and #9 in the state in 2A.  May just be the bus ride and being early, but we just didn't seem to get on track in this one.  We lose game one 3-0.  We only had one decent shot in the first game, you can't expect to beat someone when you are down by three and only take one memorable shot in the game. 

Our next game is not until 1:15 so we have some time to rest up and prepare for Denison.  Denison is always a tough game, they are in our conference and we will see them again next week on Friday for our final game of the season.  We play very well in this one, we play together, and we finally take some shots.  Colin Duffy scores first for us in this one.  He sends in a crossing ball from the far corner.  The ball hits in front of the keeper, rolls between the keepers legs, and ends up in the net.  The game winning goal for us comes from one of the kids we add to the roster to take on the trip this weekend.  Alan Hernandex heads toward the defense.  We are off sides on the other side of the field, but Alan keeps the ball and does not pass it.  The Denison defense stops because they think we are off sides.  Alan keeps going and heads to the goal.  He puts the ball in and puts us on top, 2-1.  We hang on to win, and a big win it is.  We will see them again next Friday in Denison, I am sure they will be ready to play.   

Our final game is against Nevada at 4:30.  Nevada is rated 11 in 1A.  We out played them in all facets of the game except one, like the first game, we did not shot, and when we did shot, we did not finish.  It was a tough one to lose, no loss is ever easy, but when you play that well and come away empty, it is tough to take.  We lose this one 1-0.  Like last weekend it was nice to win one game and not go home empty handed. 

Overall great games and great effort today by Nick Graves and Mark Richwine.  Nick has found a home at sweeper and played his heart out today.  He was every where today in the back field doing a super job working with the defense and moving people around marking them up.  Mark had several great saves in the Denison game and preserved the win for us.  He had one great save when he was covering near post and was able to move in a flash to the other side to make a great game saving save in the Denison game.  Good job Nick and Mark today.  We moved two players up to varsity to take along on the trip they weekend.  Alan Hernandex, who scored the game winning goal again Denison and played very well.  The other one moved up today was Jerry Orozco, Jerry played like a man on a mission.  We are looking to prepare the team for post season play, Jerry worked to make sure he is on that team.  Jerry got some good playing time today and he took advantage of the opportunity.  Good job Jerry and Alan. 

We will practice on Monday and then travel to city fields to take on TJ on Tuesday.  This will be a city game and a chance to win the city Championship with a win.  Join us on Tuesday at the city fields.  We will be playing on the north field, JV will play first at 4:30.


Thank you all for your support and your visits to our page. Keep checking back I will post different things off and on.  Interested in how the boys did and what they look like, then check out the 2010 Varsity Squad & Stats and 2010 Junior Varsity Squad & Stats pages to see our running season stats. Check back again for more comments.

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