Coach's Comments
2009 Titans

   6/08/09 - Awards Night
Like past years another season has come and gone and once again ends sooner then we want.  Tonight was our annual Awards night and we had best percentage turnout ever this year.  We want to say a Special Thank You to all of the parents again and for all of your support and the meals that you provided for the team, a SPECIAL Thank You to Sheila Wenck for heading up that effort the past two years.  It means a lot to the kids and to the program to have such great parents.  It was a special night tonight as we were busy handing out the certificates and letters, we also gave out some special awards for the year and each one was well deserving, we discussed Hawkeye 10 All Conference Awards but we do not print the final results yet so we will post this later along with all city.  Here are the awards that we gave out:

         Junior Varsity
           Offensive Player of the Year - Troy Mahood
           Defensive Player of the Year - Jaden Brouse
           Most Improved - Trevor Stephens
           Most Valuable Player - Shawn Underwood

           Offensive Player of the Year - Nate Dreager
           Defensive Player of the Year - Ryan Cook
           Most Improved - Tyler Butler  & Todd Whisinnand
             Top Newcomer - Jordan Higgins
           Leadership Award - Kyle Larkin
           Most Versatile - Chris Wenck
           Most Valuable Player  - Kyle Larkin           

Congratulations to everyone.  At this time we want to say Good Bye and Thank You to our 7 seniors one last time.  Good luck to each of you as you now step out into your new world.  You will all be greatly missed .

Congratulations also go out again to Kyle Larkin and Nate Dreager for signing to play at Morningside.  We wish them the best of luck as they take the step to the next level.  We hope that we did all we could to prepare them. 


Enjoy your summer, remember to play a lot of soccer.  Keep the skills fine tuned and we look forward to indoor play again this winter and seeing you next spring.


2009 All City / Hawkeye 10 Conference
2009 East West All Star Selection
2009 Varsity and Schedule
2009 Junior Varsity and Schedule
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