Lord of the Rings bios: Humans

He is the son of Arathorn, the king of Gondor, and decendant of Isildur. His parents died when he was young so he was raised by the elves in Rivendell, by Elrond. He fell in love w/ Elrond's daughter Arwen. Aragorn has the ring of Barahir. Viggo Mortensen plays Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movies. Pictured is Viggo Mortensen who play Aragorn in Lord of the Rings.

He is the son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor, and brother to Feremir. He is part of the Fellowship of the Ring, though he dies before the journey to Mordor is complete. Pictured is Sean Bean who play Boromir in Lord of the Rings.

He is the Steward of Gondor, and the father of Faramir and Boromir. Denethor killes himself in Return of the King b/c he believes his son Faramir dead.

He is the younger son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. He is the Captain of Gondor. David Wenham plays Faramir in the movies

She is the daughter of Eomund and Theodwyn and niece of King Theoden of Rohan. Her brother is Eomer. She is in love with Aragorn, though he does not return her affections. She nearly gets killed in Return of the King b/c she dresses up like a man for battle and is wounded by the Nazgul, though she is a great swordswoman. Miranda Otto plays Eowyn in the movies.

He is the son of Eomund and Theodwyn, and nephew of King Theoden of Rohan. He is the brother of Eowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan. He helps Aragorn in the fight in Gondor. Karl Urban plays Eomer in the movies.

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