Mountain Climbing Class Description

I found this information on the internet which gives a nice breakdown of classes in mountain climbing. Its important to note that even a Class 1 hike can be very difficult when other factors such as distance, elevation gain and altitude are considered but the class system is a good description of the nature of a route. This information taken from here.

Class I � walking, sometimes steep, but never with doubtful footing or any danger of a fall.
Class II � difficult walking, often steep with doubtful or slippery footing. A slip or tumble is possible. You never need to use your hands to make upward progress.
Class III � climbing, often on steep rock or snow. Handholds and footholds must be utilized to make upward progress. Injury inducing falls of up to five or six feet are possible. You must use your hands to make upward progress.
Class IV � climbing on sustained steep rock or snow. Knowledge of roped climbing is required. Climbers should move one at a time and be belayed, that is protected by an anchored rope. Long, fatal falls are possible, especially for the leader.
Class V � technical rock climbing. Each climber moves in turn. Use of specialized protection equipment, helmets and shoes is required. Detailed knowledge of climbing, anchoring, protection and descent techniques is required. The rope is anchored at all times and is secured to the mountain at intermediate points by the leader. Upward progress is made using natural hand and foot holds, however. The rope is used only to protect against falls. Long, serious falls are possible.
Class VI � technical rock climbing. Same as for class V, except that natural holds are not available. Climbers make upward progress by attaching the rope to the cliff and climbing it, or being hauled up by it. Artificial ladders or etriers will likely come into use. Highly technical equipment for attaching the rope and ladders to the cliff must be used. El Cap in Yosemite Valley is the most famous venue for Class VI climbing.

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