
Nicolas Speaks

The faint light shimmered like a beacon through the half closed blinds, holding my stare. I prayed Megan would soon crawl into her bed and drift off to sleep so I could go to her. Tonight of all nights I knew she would need me. I longed to tell her, that I was not a mere creature living in her dreams. If it was only possible I would tell her I was a real flesh and blood living being. I could not claim to be a human with a beating heart. That is something I ceased being long ago. How do you tell the woman you love that you are a vampire? I have no answer, but then she believes me to be only a dream.

Fifteen years ago tonight her mother was tragically killed before her eyes and I could not let her hold that memory. I erased her memory of that night and with it any knowledge of vampires, including me. I had no choice; I have to keep her safe. Otherwise she too would be hunted. I should have walked away from her then, and let her go on with her life. I know I am weak for not doing that, but I could not imagine going through each day without seeing her smile, or hearing the gentle lull of her voice.

I am a vampire who has been blessed with being able to enter others dreams, which is what I do with my Megan. For nearly fifteen years I have invaded her dreams and there we have created a life. Yet, even there she does not know I love her and would die for her. In her dreams I am just a friend who has been with her since she was six years old and her mother died.

Now that is about to all change. I will be forced to give her back her memory, to keep her out of harms way. She is targeted by those who murdered her mother. They want her and do not care if she is alive or dead. To keep her alive, I may lose her forever. I am not sure she can forgive me for taking away her memories, or lying to her in her dreams. This time as I fight bloody battles, and uncover decade old secrets, Megan's world will be changed forever, as will mine.

Can I keep her alive, and unharmed? Will I lose her forever? Or will she find some way of forgiving me my deceits and allow me to love her as fiercely as only a vampire can? Only time will tell, but for now I am waiting for the moment when the light in the window is extinguished and I can go to her, at least one more time.


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