Leah's Blog
Incessant ramblings of a writer
June 7, 2007-Things that go Bump in the Night
Recently I was having an email conversation with Darla regarding writing in the middle of the night and the reason why it should not be done. It appears a raccoon scared the you know what out of Laurell one evening. I found this funny and remembered when I was writing a fight scene once and then there was a domestic fight across the street. I thought that was bad. But NOOO last night I had an encounter similar to the raccoon.

Here I was in the middle of the night happily writing a huge fight scene with all sorts of stuff happening. I was completly into it. Then it happened. I was terrified and freaked and even screamed slightly.

It appears my beloved woke up (which is unusual for him to do) and wandered into the living room. Of course I never heard the bedroom door open, or him approaching. I was writing, and well I block out everything when I am really into it.

He asked how the writing was going, but that I so did not hear what he said, I just saw a shadow standing in the hall way, and that was it I was a goner. It was over, no more writing for me last night, I had to recover from the heart attack.

He has since made a mental note to let me know when he is coming if it is the middle of the night with not a lot of lighting and I am engrossed in writing.
2007-06-08 05:42:08 GMT

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