Leah's Blog
Incessant ramblings of a writer
Entry for July 3, 2007
The rewrite is going slowly due to life getting in the way of my writing. I had two of my daughters decide to come visit at the same time. That is not a bad thing, but it left no time to write.

Now my house is finally quiet again and I can get back to the rewrite. The problem is now I have writer's block. UGH. Tomorrow is the 4th of July and instead of going to watch fireworks I am hoping to write something exciting and wonderful and with fireworks of its own.

Well, back to work. Rewrites are so much fun. NOT!. Oh the things us writers subject ourselves to in the name of turning out a readable story.

As the old addage goes. No pain No gain.
2007-07-04 05:02:58 GMT

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