Leah's Blog
Incessant ramblings of a writer
The Journey Begins (Nov. 21,2008)

I will write daily regardless of what else tries to get in the way. I say this to myself each morning upon awakening. I do so because I know at some point during the day life will attempt to get in the way and prevent the written word from being completed. Yet, if I hope to ever fulfill the dream of being an author I must write and then write some more.


            Some family members are unhappy with the amount of time I now devote to writing. Or believe I am avoiding them in my quest.  I try to explain it to them, yet some feel it is a waste of time. Thankfully, I have a fiancé who supports and encourages my efforts. He even says my work is good. I have a father two thousand miles away who encourages my efforts in weekly emails and phone calls. Their support and unwavering belief in me is greatly appreciated and needed. For those close to me who do not get it or believe all of my time should be devoted to them (They are all adults not small children), I imagine in time they will realize me effort to write is not a mindless waste of time, but something I have to do in order to satisfy my soul.


            No longer will life get in the way and push back my need to get the story told. For the past year I have allowed that to happen. I have ignored what I need to do to make me a happy and content person. In other words I walked through life in a daze doing for others and ignoring the “me”.  I am not complaining or whining just stating facts I have come to realize in myself.           


To some this may appear selfish, and I say to you walk a day in my shoes before judging.  All of us have dreams and goals. Many of us never chase them to fruition. I want to see a book I wrote in the hands of a reader enjoying the tales. I want to walk into a bookstore and see a book cover with my name on it. I am not out to get rich or write the next great American Novel. I simply want to write good story that others will enjoy.


I want to write the stories that allow others to step outside their lives for a few minutes and escape into a world where they as the reader has no worries or concern other than what will happen next. After all do we not all need a little escape now and then? I know I do.


I fully intend to keep you, the reader, fully informed of my quest my updating the blog regularly. Older blogs were not updated or ignored in the past due to simply having no time. Now, I make time to write and to keep you informed of where I am on the path of writing. So, while we wait for my stories to be completed and appear on bookshelves enjoy my blogging efforts and I look forward to hearing your comments along the way.


2008-11-21 09:02:17 GMT

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