
Theme Related Activities
  A number of theme related activities have been planned for the children. These activities focus on stimulating the development of cognitive, social skills, language, fine motor control, math, science and gross motor skills.  The activities scheduled for each week will be posted on the bulletin board.  If you would like more information on any activity, please feel free to ask me.
Some examples of activities we will be doing include: language and math worksheets, hide and find games, sensory exploration, paper crafts, artistic creations using a variety of materials and imagination, sorting, pattern extension and creation (using coloured eggs), felt board stories, finger and action songs, stories, planting seeds, scientific experiments using eggs and group games.

Notes and News

1)With the warm weather coming, we will be spending a lot more time outside.  Please make sure you send you child with sunscreen (labeled), sunglasses and a sun hat.  A rain coat, splash pants, rubber boots and an umbrella would also be appropriate for wet days.
2)Little Leapers Child Care will be open on April 14, 15, 16 and 17.  Please let me know in advance if your child will not be attending on his or her normally scheduled day.
3)Little Leapers will be closing at 6:45PM on April 27 for professional development.  I apologize for this inconvenience. 
4)There are hooks and cubbies located in the daycare entrance.  The cubbies are labeled with each childs name.  The children are responsible for putting their belongings in the appropriate place.  Please set a good example for the children by helping to put your childs belongings in his or her cubbie or on a hook.  Please don't put plastic bags, creams, medications or other dangerous items in your childs' cubbie (give them directly to me).  Also, please empty your childs cubbie at the end of the day.
4) The bulletin board located above the cubbie area contains information on schedules, enrollment, curriculum, weekly activities, safety, and parenting resources.  This bulletin board is kept updated from week to week.  Menus may also be included if requested and are always posted in the kitchen as well.  I encourage you to take a few minutes each week to browse the board.
5)We will attend the Play and Learn program at the Ontario Early Years Centre on Wednesday mornings. We will also play at either Baseline park or West Side park during our scheduled morning outdoor play time.


When Your Child Comes Home Messy
Red paint in the hair? Blue paint on the jeans?
Sand in the shoes? Peanut butter on a favorite shirt?
White socks that look brown? Sleeves a bit damp?

worked with a friend +
solved a problem
created a masterpiece
negotiated a difference
learned a new skill
had a great time
developed new language skills

feel lonely
become bored
do repetitive tasks that are too babyish
do worksheets that are too easy
do sit down work that is discouraging

paid good money for those clothes
Will have trouble getting the red paint out
are concerned the caregiver isn't paying enough attention to your child

was aware of your child's special needs and interests
spent time planning a challenging activity for the children
encouraged the children to try new things
was worried you might be concerned

Young children really learn when they are actively involved in play.....not when someone is talking to them. There is a difference between "messy" and "lack of care." Your caregiver made sure your child was fed, warm, offered new skills and planned messy fun things to do because that's how young children learn!
Send your child in clothes that can get dirty! Keep extra old clothes at the site for times when the child gets really messy. But remember, young children need time to be kids.
~author unknown
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