

Within the twelth month (March 2002):
(T dose: 200 mg Testosterone Cypionate biweekly)

March 30, 2002 marks my first anniversary on testosterone, and while changes still occur daily, they seem rather slight now this far into my transition. All and all, I was amazed at how some changes happened so slowly while other changes happened much faster than expected. Instead of my normal monthly report, I thought I’d discuss how my expectations of hormone therapy measured up to the reality of hormone therapy.

Expectation 1. I thought it would take several months for hormones to aid me in being seen as male but the rest of the world.

Reality 1. Melting into society as male happened within the first two months of hormone therapy.

Expectation 2. (actually a worry ) My voice would not drop into an average male range.

Reality 2. My voice dropped rather quickly into a normal male range within a month or so. It continued to drop for about six months. I don’t sing like Barry White, but I’m extremely happy with how my voice turned out.

Expectation 3. I felt that by one year I would be able to grow sideburns and a decent patch of chin hair.

Reality 3. After a year, still no sign of sideburns, and while can grow a patch of hair on my chin, I don’t dare call it decent. I think it is a terrible tease that I have to shave each and everyday, but yet not be able to have a beard.

Expectation 4. I thought after a year of hormone therapy, my upper body would be much larger.

Reality 4. I’ve have throw out nearly every shirt I had when I began my transition. My neck size has increased from 15 ½ to 17, and my tshirt size has increased from M/L to L/XL. However, I’m not nearly as big as I thought I would become.

Expectation 5. I would never have chest hair.

Reality 5. While I doubt that I’ll ever look like I’m wearing a sweater vest of thick matty hair, my hopes of having a smooth gay porn star chest are shot to hell.

Expectation 6. My hips would disappear.

Reality 6. My body fat has definitely shifted, and my inner thighs and hips mostly gone. However, I have to live with the fact that skeletally, I have a female pelvic girdle. I hope that my chest and shoulders will continue to grow in a way that I’ll have a more triangular shape with time.

Expectation 7.
Since I had terrible acne during my first puberty, I was sure I'd have to suffer through it again in my second.

Reality 7. This just hasn't been the case. While I get a couple of zits now and then, there are no more (perhaps even less) than I had prior to T.

If I were to rank my physical changes from fastest to slowest, it would be voice - fat distribution shift - body hair growth - muscular growth - facial hair growth.
It’s been an unbelievably happy year, and apart from the mood swings early on, it’s been a blast!

month eleven << >> month fifteen

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