Karen Lind lives and works in Ft.Salonga, L.I., New York. She is a professional painter and photographer. She has been working as a digital artist for five years.

       Ms. Lind finds digital art to be an exciting medium that enables her to compose collages of complex detail, not possible in any other medium. The pieces have been printed on Epson Archival Matte Paper, the color is rich and extremely stable. If you are interested in the print quality please e-mail and ask for a sample and further information.

      Ms.Lind  has created these pictures by incorporating many separate images into an apparently seemless whole.  Some  images are found but most are old family pictures and current photographs taken by the artist.  A print can be composed of as many as 125 layers, which are then compressed into one image.

      Through her art Ms. Lind proposes that our  perception of reality is composed of many, many images "pasted" together. Usually this process seems orderly, logical and seamless but at other times images appear unbidden and out of sequence. We become aware of the ragged edges of perception when apparently unrelated images vie for our attention, as in a dream.

For more information please contact the artist by e-mail.
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