Demystifying the Application Process of Top Online MBA Programmes


In today’s competitive job market, possessing technical skills alone is not enough to secure a successful career. Business management abilities have become indispensable across almost every field. Pursuing an MBA degree will help you to stand out & distinguish yourself from recent graduates, identify the best opportunities and participate in the job market effectively. 


While full-time MBA programmes remain popular in India, it may not be feasible for everyone to pursue them due to various constraints. Fortunately, online MBA programmes offer flexibility and convenience if you cannot commit to traditional classroom-based education.


Therefore, here we have decoded the admission process of top online MBA courses in India. To gain a deeper understanding, continue reading.


Admission Process for Online MBA - 2023

Every university has set procedures for taking admission into their courses. However, most universities offer a similar process for offering entry into their online MBA course. So, let's take a glance on the generalised admission process that is followed across different universities in India.


STEP 1. The first step is to decide the course type, that is, if you are opting for an online MBA, then in which specialisation you would want to pursue your course.


STEP 2. Having decided on the specialisation, you need to search for the colleges and universities providing MBA programmes in that specialisation.


STEP 3. The next step is to register yourself on the official website of the university you have selected. The registration process can be completed by filling out an online form or signing up on the university website with your official email and phone number.


STEP 4. After successful registration, you will be asked to submit your scanned documents which will include a few mandatory documents like 



STEP 5. After the scanned documents are submitted, they will go for approval by the admission authorities. In case of selection, you will be notified and you will have to pay the fee, either semester-wise or annually. 


STEP 6. After the fees have been paid and admission is confirmed, you will be given your identity cards and enrollment number. Thus, completing the admission process.



Eligibility for Online MBA in India - 2023

To pursue an online MBA you must meet the following criteria:


  1. You must have completed a 10+2+3 year graduation degree from a recognised university or institution. 

  2. You must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in the bachelor's degree.

  3. Though all colleges do not require entrance examination marks for online MBA, there are certain colleges which require entrance examination marks such as CAT, MAT, and CMAT, etc.

  4. If your aggregate graduation marks are less than 50%, then few colleges demand you to clear their entrance exams and interview process like MUJ organised by Manipal Academy of Higher Education.


These are the basic eligibility criteria followed across different colleges in India, however, you must carefully check for the eligibility criteria of a particular university where you are applying for an online MBA.



What is the Degree Duration of an Online MBA?

Generally, the duration for an online MBA is 2 years, same as a regular MBA. However, online MBA is designed to offer flexibility and convenience. There are few universities which let you complete the course in a self-paced mode and instead of 2 years, you have the liberty to complete the course in 4-5 years. However, this varies from university to university. So, before enrolling in any programme you need to check the brochure completely.



Is the Entrance Exam Mandatory for an Online MBA?

Clearing entrance exams is not mandatory for an online MBA programme, however, it varies among universities. There are few universities which demand clearing entrance exams if your graduation marks are less than 50%. So, here we have mentioned a few universities where entrance exams are not mandatory for pursuing an online MBA.




Online learning courses like an Online MBA programme enjoy great popularity in the present scenario. They offer a unique blend of convenience and flexibility which is appreciated by students contributing to the growth of online MBA degrees.


Upon completion of the online MBA, you will gain valuable skills, such as self-discipline, time management, and adaptability in remote work settings, which are highly valued by employers. Additionally, online MBA programmes often incorporate interactive learning activities and real-world case studies which will provide you with practical business skills. 


Pursuing an online MBA degree will enhance your career opportunities, enable you to access leadership roles, and will also put you at an advantage in today's competitive job market. Thus, it is a wise investment if you are seeking to advance your career.




Q1. Are the application and admissions requirements the same for all online MBA programmes?

Yes, the application and admission requirements are almost the same for all online MBA programmes in India.

Q2. Is there a need for prior working experience to get admission for an Online MBA?

Not necessarily but only some colleges demand certain work experience in case your marks are less than 50% in the graduation. Furthermore, there are universities where work experience is mandatory for admission into an online MBA.

Q3. How is an Online MBA different from a Distance MBA?

Online MBA programmes are completely virtual. On the other hand, distance MBA programmes have real classrooms with only a part of the curriculum provided in online mode, so it is not fully virtual but a mix of traditional and online modes of learning.

Q4. Are specialisations offered in the Online MBA?

Online MBA programmes offer specialisation in various fields like Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Digital Marketing and many more.

Q5. Is the curriculum of an Online MBA similar to that of a regular MBA?

No, there are no significant differences between the course curriculum of the online MBA programme as compared to the regular MBA programme. The only difference can be in terms of teaching methods, course material and assessments.