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<math.h>        -        Mathematics

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This header provides trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, logarithmic and several miscellaneous mathematical functions. These functions normally expect parameters of type double and return values of type double.

double acos(double x); returns the arc cosine of x
double asin(double x); returns the arc sine of x
double atan(double x); returns the arc tangent of x
double atan2(double x, double y); returns the arc tangent of y/x
double ceil(double x); returns the result of rounding x towards infiniy to the nearest integer
double cos(double x); returns the cosine of x
double cosh(double x); returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
double exp(double x); reurns the exponentional result of x
double fabs(double x); returns the absolute value of x
double floor(double x); returns the result of rounding x towardszero to the nearest integer
double fmod(double x, double y); returns the remainder after division x/y
double frexp(double val, int *exptr); function returns the mantisa and stores the exponent in the location pointed at by exptr
double idexp(double x, int exp); returns x multiplied by 2 and raised to the power of exp
double log(double x); returns the natural logarithm of x
double log10(double x); returns the base 10 logarithm of x
double modf(double x, double *intptr); returns the signed fractional part of x and stores the integer part at the location pointed at by intptr
double pow(double x, double y); returns x raised to the power of y
double sin(double x); returns the sine of x
double sinh(double x); returns the hyperbolic sine of x
double sqrt(double x); returns the square root of x
double tan(double x); returns the tangent of x
double tanh(double x); returns the hyperbolic tangent of x



This is a very simple program that will calculate 2 to the power of 32.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(void)

    double z=0;

    z = pow( 2, 32);

    printf("2 to the power of 32 is %e\n", z);

    return 0;


Please note that the answer is in standard index form (scientific notation).


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