Prices 2000


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the following prices apply to both cottages:


Per week:

(from saturday 4pm to saturday 10am)


weeks 25-31 (incl.): USD370/gbp260 (dkk 2500)

weeks 16-24 (incl.): usd300/gbp210 (dkk 2000)

weeks 32-35 (incl.): usd300/gbp210 (dkk 2000)

all other weeks: usd240/gbp170 (dkk 1600)


electricity to be paid according to consumption:

usd0.30/gbp0.20 (dkk 1,50) per kwh

solid fuel: uds7/gbd5 (dkk40) per sack


a security deposit of usd75/gbp55 is charged. the deposit will be returned upon your leaving the house. electricity and solid fuel will be deducted.


you are expected to clean the house before leaving it. has this not been done, the expense to do this will be deducted from your security deposit.


50% of the rent is due for payment at the time of your reservation og will be lost in case the reservation is cancelled less than three weeks before the beginning of the reservation period. should the reservation be cancelled more than three weeks before this date half of this amount will be returned to you.


the remaining rent plus the security deposit is due for payment two weeks before the beginning of the reservation period

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