Alissa Rose
Age: Hours Old
Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz
Height: 20"
I Can: lift my head, cry, sleep, eat, pee and poop
Age: 1 month
Weight: 9 lbs
Height: 20 1/2"
I Can: Smile, coo and hold my head up
Age: 2 Months
Weight: 11 lbs 9 oz
Height: 21 1/2"
I Can: Lift my head and chest while on my stomach
Age: 3 Months
Weight: 15 lbs
Height: 22 1/2"
I Can: Roll over from my stomach to my back, laugh, and sit up while supported
Age: 4 Months
Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz
Height: 24"
I Can: Razz, eat cereal, grab for objects, roll over from my back to my stomach and sleep through the night
Age: 5 Months
Weight17 lbs
Height26 1/4"
I Cansit up unsupported, get to a sitting position form the floor, pass toys from hand to hand
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