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We have written this page to help prospective owners navigate what may seem an overwhelming task- finding a pbgv puppy whose breeder made health one of the priorities in his or her breeding program.

A good place to start your search for a breeder is the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club of America Breeder Directory.

At a minimum, a breeder should perform health screenings, require pets be spayed or neutered, desire health updates and request immediate notification if a health problem arises. A responsible breeder wants to maintain a relationship with you for the life of the dog. A responsible breeder will always take a dog back regardless of the reason if the owner can no longer take care of the dog.

Remember, that a breeder is more than just someone who whelped your puppy and raised it for the first ten to twelve weeks of its life. A breeder should be a resource and mentor; someone who you can turn to if you have a question or concern at any point in your dog’s life. And while a breeder can never guarantee that your dog will be free of problems, a good one will want to know what those problems are so that the information can be used to minimize them in future generations.

You should expect that as you question the breeder about a potential pbgv puppy, the responsible breeder is also qualifying you, your family, lifestyle and environment to ensure compatibility for a pbgv. The pbgv is not the best match for everyone despite that adorable fuzz face and gregarious nature (happy hound)…They are first and foremost a scent hound- stubborn, independent, willful and true to their instinct….to hunt… No matter how much training provided a dog, if it is a question between obeying you vs their nose…you will lose.. The pbgv can be best described as a eight to thirteen year old child forever… They are bright, strategizing, comedic and energetic dogs…Ask a pbgv to do something and you are more often to see he or she contemplating whether they can blow you off as it must be their way and their timeframe…. If you want a quiet dog waiting silently at your feet for the next command…that is NOT a pbgv.. If you want a medium size dog with a huge personality and heart that will make you laugh, frustrate you on occasion, comfort you and engage you….then you will likely LOVE the PBGV. The responsible breeder seeks a forever home for their furr kids as most likely…they see each and every puppy as part of their family too…Many will require a home visit as part of the process. Be prepared to help them help you ensure that the pbgv is the best life companion for your family. You will be embarking on a wonderful journey if a pbgv is in your future. Just ask anyone who has one!!!

Copyright, all rights reserved 2007, Le Chasse PBGV-Nancy Dorsey

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