Fr. Ch. Goldorak de Fin Renard, BC

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Goldo may have been a source of controversy due to his coloring, but he was ALL pbgv when it came to his fabulous temperment and type. Goldo, as he was affectionately known was my biggest comedian. He loved his toys, something he knew nothing about til coming to live with me in the US. One of my favorite Goldo memories was when I and a friend watched him in amusement take toy after toy out of the toy box in my family room and cart them over to his favorite chair(ironically, one of my french antique chairs) where he proceeded to play with them for a few minutes then go back to the toy box and retrieve another to repeat the process...He had eight toys surrounding  him before he seemed to say...I am content now....Goldo was also a dog that would lift his lip and give you a genuine smile while vigorously wagging the entire back half of his body... You knew without a single doubt that he was a happy dog...Goldo was not bred in the US, bu t I and others in the US have dogs descending from this special dog who no doubt possess some of his traits....Goldo was also the gentle Old Man who guided the young pups in what was acceptable and non acceptable behavior...and he did it with nothing other than a gentle mouth or paw....It was just amazing to watch the young puppies urge him to play and his guiding effort to let them know...the rules...  without one sign of aggressive behavior...the sign of a true pack dog... I loved Goldo more than I can put into words. He is truely missed in my pack...his unique voice lost amongst the daily musique...but I know he is still smiling and watching with pride from across the Rainbow bridge til we meet again...

Fr. Ch. Ulysse de Fin Renard, BC Thor de Fin Renard, BC Oslo, BC
Nigelle de Fin Renard, BC
Miss Tic de Fin Renard, BC Japy de Fin Renard, BC
Gergovie de Fin Renard
Ebene de Fin Renard, BC Beloskar de Fin Renard Fr. Ch. Uron de Fin Renard, BC
D'Nanou du Mont des Saules, BC
Belise de Fin Renard, BC Urtain de Fin Renard, BC
Pergola de Fin Renard, BC

Goldo smiling

Portrait of Goldo by Stella Stevens

Health Clearances
OFA Hips - Good (OFA # PBG-443G84M-PI)
Hip x-ray taken in 1998
Goldorak hip x-ray

Copyright, all rights reserved 2007, Le Chasse PBGV-Nancy Dorsey

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