Saturday Matinee, Written By Doctorandmrslecter
All Copyrights always and forever apply.

Authors Note: Special thanks to Lecterbuddies, Indreams, Di, E, G Rube and V for their help.
Part 1

"Clarice, are you almost ready?" Hannibal called out as he stood at the foot of the stairwell, jangling his keys to the Maybach with one hand, the other in his pocket. He was wearing his "Casuals" as he liked to call them and was waiting to take Clarice on one of their Saturday afternoon outings. "Clarice, the bus is leaving" he called again, chuckling at his own witticism.

"I'll be right down, hold your horses!" Clarice shouted down to him as she came running down the stairs, still trying to get the scrunchee to stay in her ponytail.

"You did say 1 didn't you darling?" he said as he spun her around to try to assist her.
"Yes, I did, but with this humidity, I can't get this damn thing to stay in my hair" she said as Hannibal finally made it stay put for her.

"Thank you" Clarice said offhandedly as Hannibal set the alarms, put his hand on her waist, and escorted her out the front door saying, "Shall we?"

"We shall" she said as they both walked to the Mercedes and got in.

As they made their way through the streets of Buenos Aires, Hannibal, who was driving turned to Clarice and said,

"Is something wrong, Clarice?"


"I beg to differ."

"I said nothing's wrong, not stop trying to analyze me, Doctor."

Clarice crossed her arms in front of her as Hannibal smirked and popped in a tape of Handel's Water Music and started to hum.

"Why must you hum every time you listen to your tapes? It is sooooo annoying."

Hannibal then inhaled hard through his nose and said,

"Only two more days to go."

"Now, what is that supposed to mean?"

"You're PMS...only two more days to go and it will all be over..for the both of us."

"So what motion picture will we be seeing today, Clarice?" he continued.

"Well, we're going to the Belvedere, so whatever looks good we'll check out...and keep your eyes on the road."

"Yes, dear" Hannibal replied, smiling and mocking a submissive tone.

They arrived at the cinema in a matter of minutes, as it wasn't all that far from their home. They held hands as they made their way in, got to the box office, and decided on the 1:45 showing and then made their way over to the concession stand.

"What will it be darling, Raisenettes or Jujubees?" Hannibal asked her as if he were asking her what wine she wanted with dinner.

"Don't pretend you dont know.." Clarice chided him.

Hannibal then purchased 1 box of Jujubees, 1 large buttered popcorn, and 2 medium Diet Sprites. He didn't particularly care for any of these refreshements any more than he had cared for the movies, but he knew Clarice enjoyed this kind of outing. She had endured long hours at the Opera House and Concert Hall at his behest and he felt the least he could do was indulge her whimsy and partake in one of her favorite pastimes from time to time. She didn't ask much of him in the way of her hobbies, and he was more than happy to accommodate her requests at all times.

The Belvedere was a large theater built in the early 1920's. It was the home of many live performances and had once seen the likes of many a famous actor. It is a well known fact that Juan and Evita Peron had frequented the performances here. Hannibal loved the architecture and the vivid colors and ornamentation. The velvet ropes were still hung on the banisters and the seats were still plush. If Hannibal had to endure the movies, at least, he thought, this was a most enjoyable atmosphere to do it in.

Hannibal and Clarice made their way into the theater and climbed the stairs up to the large balcony. It had just undergone some renovation, but still had the same old world charm that the rest of the theater did.

They made themselves comfortable in the middle section and nibbled on their refreshments as they made some small talk in Italian and waited for the promotions and coming attractions to begin.

Turn page to next part of story....
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