It"s ME!!!
March 27,  2003 12:27 a.m.

Wow what a great and wonderful day!  Didn't do anything too interesting but it was cool.  Work wasn't too bad.  I guesss the Vice President of Eckerd is coming in tomorrow and thank god I'm not going to be there!  Crazy Chris came by twice.  AH!  The TBS concert will be so much fun when / if we bump into him,  Everyone I know is going to that concert!  It;s going to be so bad ass!  After work I went up to Blockbuster to find Boondock Saints for Daniel (he couldn't find but he needed it for his lit class).  I found it and rented it for him.  Tiff showed me her really bad ass Brandnew vinyl (It's clear!!!!)  I went up to Discover to give Daniel his movie.  Him,  My brother,  and myself went to dinner.  But the coolest thing about today was that it was Daniel S.'s birthday! Happy Birthday Daniel!!!  Tomorrow we're going to go to Loco's for a birthday celebration thing and hopefully he'll be surprised and we'll have a good time!

"You and Daniel make a good pair like yall look good together like spagatii and meatball"
Mood: Decently Happy

"Happy Birthday"

" You and Daniel make a good pair like yall look good together like spagatii and meatball"
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