Sex kitten? You think?
Mood:  Little tired/hanging in there

Music:  Mushy Jewel

"The more I live,  the more I know,  What's simple is true.  I love you..."
March 28,  2003 12:20 a.m.

Another beautiful day in the life of Amber!  Doesn't everyone just wish they were me?!?!  J/K!  Today was my day off.  I didn't do a whole lot;  caught up on some laundry,  straightened my room,  thats about it.  But this evening was pretty cool.  Tiff picked up some cupcakes for Daniel's birthday and we meet him up at Loco's.  The three of us ate and we're later joined by Kelley and Daniel E.  Tiff presented the cupcakes while I sang Happy Birthday,  and all enjoyed the yummy sweetness!  We played a game of pool and messed around with the darts.  Daniel E.  and I decided it was really hot so we stepped outside.  The weather is SO amazing right now,  like you wouldn't believe!  We sat and talked.  I love talking to him.  I've NEVER been able to talk to someone the way that I can talk to him.  I'm so glad he sticks around!  Tiffany kept looking through the blinds.  I guess she thought we were "up to something"  but no we were just talking.  It's my favorite thing to do with him.  After a few games went out to the parking lot and Daniel E.  pulled out his bike and we all rode around on it.  I felt so out of shape afterwards!  I used to run around on my brother's 20 inch and Daniel's is a 30 and I swear I used to screw around for hours,  but after mere minutes of riding Daniel's bike I thought I was going to die!  It was fun!  And now I'm here and I should be sleeping for work tom.  but you know how that goes!
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