Mood:  YAY!

"I.O.U. One Galaxy"

"Sometimes i get so nervous.  I think  , "When am I going to screw this up?  'Which of my queerky features is going to scare him away?'  Then I look in his eyes...all I feel is acceptance and understanding."
March 29,  2003 6:41 p.m.

Is it possible?
Is it possible to be this happy?  Is it possible to feel this muck alive?

I want to put in words how you make me feel.  I want everyone to know what is going on in my mind.  But when I go to place it down every word is a sad analogy that can't even scratch the surface to say how I TRUELY feel.  I love every moment I spend with you.  I love everything that we share.  I love how you always know whats going on in my mind.  I love how we are so mch alike,  but we still have our differences.  You have this amazing personality,  and an amazing sense of humor.  YOu make me laugh.  You make me want to live.  You honestly have become my every passion.  And you being by my side makes me feel so special.  You make me feel like I've never felt before.  And there is nothing in this world that can ever come close in comparison to what you mean to me.  Everyday i as myself,  "What in this world did I do to deserve you?"  I don't know,  and i doubt I ever will,  but I do know that being with you is so right.  In the end the only think I can come to as a resolution is that I simply love you!
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