Death For The Cause
April 4,  2003
All i hear from people anymore is their pathatic cries of pain and suffering over a relationship now dead.  If one really takes a look and takes some time to understand;  they all end for a reason.  Grant it we don't wnat relationships to end but they do.  Thats how the dating game works.  We get used and abused,  and then we use and abuse.  We're lied too and are decived.  Later we lie and decive another.  We have relationships to learn from them to grab a better knowledge a better understanding of how to be for ""THE RELATIONSHIP" .  The one that lasts the rest of your life.  Some of us learn quicker then others,  some of us choose not care.  All in all with each relationship we have,   we learn something. Of how not to do this,  or make sure you do that.  Don't cry about how you were mistreated;  KNOW you were mistreated and KNOW that next time you'll be the one to send them out the door.  Don't cry because of the things you never said;   KNOW that you didn't say the things you should have said and KNOW that next time they need to be said.  Don't get angry over the 'I love you's' ;  KNOW you fell too fast and KNOW to take one step at a time the next go round.  If you really look at each and every relationship that one ever has,  you will see that it is a POSITIVE relationship becasue you learned from it in some way.  For all of those who choose to be negative,  your digging your own self into a hole and I feel for you.  This life is too beautiful and precious to not live it up.  Take a fall and dust yourself off.  Look on the brighter side of things.  Don't sit and feel sorry for yourself;  KNOW next time will be better!  All relationships are death for the cause...
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