April 8,  2003 9:23 p.m.

Your average Amber day.  Today I went to work and TM Daniel to see how he has been doing;  he's been sick recently.  I never got a reply,  figured he was in class.  I stayed late to do some grunt work.   I got to clean spaces in the pharmacy i think people forgot existed!  I went out to throw a tote where i set off an alarm that scared me shitless!  Branham found me cowering in a corner,  and when he saw me he just laughed.  I not finding the situation one bit funny!  It was sorta but bare with me!  I ran to Kroger to switch out drugs.  Oh and i got to see the new HIPPA (new privacy inforcement program)  labels and HIPPA will be death for many.  Honestly I think it's the dumbest thing ever created and all should be beaten severly that created this monseter.  Gary walked around the pharmacy singing songs of our soon to be HIPPA fate.  And we cried knowing that in a short while the convinace of the pharmacy life we all know and love would soon be taken over by the Great HIPPA beast. . (Not really but that sounded good!)  I came home and called Daniel left a voice mall,  he called me back.  Said he sent me text messeges which means i need to go get my phone checked out because this is like the 10th TM i've not recieved in the last 2 weeks.  I don't know all is crazy.  I finally signed up to take the SAT's and am currently lookin at schools.  If all goes to plan I will be attending OSU in two years.  Or at least thats my dream.  Or  maybe I'll go to some art school in LA. Either way we'll see b/c that is still a ways away!  This week is ganna be weird because i won't get to see Daniel really.  He has a lot of school stuff he has to deal with and school comes before girl!  He has only three more weeks anyways.  Plus absance makes the heart grow fonder!  But all is good because I know i get to hold him again!  I love that boy! 

**If you wish to know the full horror known as HIPPA please alow me to vent and I will Explain!**
Mood:  Doin' Good

"Run To The Sun" N.E.R.D.

"HIPPA in the morning HIPPA in the evening HIPPA at supertime! Oh no you gotta love the HIPPA!"
Get out of my face!
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